

  • LA Times via Getty Images

    Nine Inch Nails' latest video taps into gaming legend

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor's current interest in video games goes beyond remastering the Quake soundtrack for vinyl and using Kinect on tour. The video for NIN's new single "Less Than" uses the retro PlayStation VR game Polybius as its main attraction. The on-screen action ramps up in time with the music, lyrics flying toward the viewer, building to a crescendo at the two-minute mark where all hell breaks loose.

  • The Perfect Ten: Sequelitis

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    As a long-time movie buff, I've always been fascinated by sequels. I know, they have a terrible reputation and everyone gets this face like he's digesting a porcupine when discussing them, but there's something fun about them as well. I think we always want a good story to continue, to see what happens next, and to answer the question, "What would the first film be like if it were put in the hands of a complete boob?" It would be an entertaining trainwreck, that's what. Even though the MMORPG genre is in its toddler stage, it's seen a number of sequels, prequels and spin-offs, just the same as other types of entertainment. Video game sequels for hit titles are safer financial investments than striking out into new territory, so it makes sense that MMO studios would follow this pattern as well. Right now there are loads of MMO sequels and spin-offs in the works -- including EverQuest Next, PlanetSide Next, Guild Wars 2, Mabinogi 2, MapleStory 2, Phantasy Star Online 2, Dust 514, and even a possible Ultima Online sequel -- so it's safe to say that the trend won't be dying down anytime soon. However, today I want to look at 10 sequels that already made it to release and briefly examine how they stacked up to their predecessors. Oh yes, there will be blood after the jump -- and I will drink your milkshake!

  • Indie film to take on mythical, 'evil' arcade game

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Would you watch a film about a teenager who becomes obsessed with an arcade game? No? How about if the game is "actually an evil game that posses [his] friend ... and takes over his life."If that sounds more appealing, you may want to pay attention to "Altar of the Unmanned," an indie film that begins shooting this week at New Hampshire's iconic Funspot arcade. If the movie's premise sounds familiar, it might be because it's reminiscent of Polybius, the rumored (and debunked) Tempest clone that's said to cause intense nightmares and interest from government agents. The film is the second feature for director Mike May, who says he was inspired to shoot at Funspot after seeing The King of Kong. If you're in the Weirs Beach, NH area, the film crew is looking for extras to play arcade patrons starting on Saturday, March 29. Extras won't get paid, but they will get a film credit for basically standing around and playing arcade games all day. Not a bad gig if you ask us.[Image credit]