

  • Steering blobs and dropping dudes with Costco's $10.99 sale

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Is Mercury Meltdown Revolution a part of your Wii collection? If not, it absolutely should be, for Ignition's addictive puzzler must be one of the most criminally overlooked gems on the platform. And now Costco has it for $10.99, along with a bunch of other titles that range from pretty damn good to shovelware (oh, hai Pool Party). Angelina Jolie favorite Ghost Squad is also on sale, giving you a chance to knock terrorists from their speeding, swan-shaped jet skis, and save money in the process. If a better offer has come along this century, we've yet to see it.Below are the six titles that most stood out to us (the full list is past the jump); we expect at least two of these to be in your house by June 22nd, when the sale ends: Ghost Squad Sonic and the Secret Rings Sega Bass Fishing Mercury Meltdown: Revolution Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz SSX Blur %Gallery-24906%%Gallery-5667%

  • THQ gets Playboy bunnies going mobile

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    THQ continues to grow its licensing buffet and recently added Playboy Enterprises to the menu. GameDaily reports THQ Wireless will develop "lifestyle themed" mobile games using the Playboy name that will ... eh, "not have nudity" in them? Looks like someone missed the point of this license. The first title expected this summer is Playboy Games: Pool Party. So, adding insult to injury, its a Playboy pool party with no nudity? Yup, little confused on this issue.The multi-year agreement between Playboy and THQ didn''t have a public dollar number attached to it. Hopefully at some point they'll make some "move-the-tiles-around" puzzle game to put back together the digi-boob girls Playboy featured for the last four years. What's the fun of playing a mobile Playboy game if the old lady next to you on the train doesn't gasp at naked bunny Peggle?

  • A year of crap: the worst so far

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    In its first year, the Wii has changed the video game landscape. It's brought people in who never thought they would care about video games. New methods of interacting with onscreen events have been invented. The image of the video game has started swinging away from the nerd-basement stereotype and toward a more family-friendly, even trendy experience.But the Wii is still a game console, and it can't be completely different from every other console. It's a universal rule that all video game systems must be populated by a bunch of really terrible games, and the Wii has certainly done an admirable job of attracting cheaply-made, ill-conceived, untested, embarrassing garbage. It's really a mark of a system's popularity that so many publishers have come running with their shovels. It's a mark of the Wii's strength as a platform, as well, that it has managed to survive despite the existence of some of these games.We decided to celebrate this aspect of the Wii by highlighting the five lowest-scoring games on Metacritic's list of reviewed Wii games. The bottom five epitomizes pretty much everything that is terrible about games: hastily thrown-together licensed games, cash-in ports, and games whose ambition far outweighs their budgets. And Chicken Shoot. The worst part? In ten years, every single one of these games will be an extremely rare collectors' item, drawing several times its retail price on eBay, or whatever the future space version of eBay is. And you will want to buy them.

  • SouthPeak throws Pool Party for Wii

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    SouthPeak Games, after having gifted us with a forgettable RPG and a nauseating zombie hunt, has announced plans to break ground for the Wii by announcing Pool Party, its first title for Nintendo's console. If upon hearing that you had hopes of scantily-clad babes and jocks doing belly flops off the diving board, you may be disappointed, as this game concerns a pool of the other kind. You know, pocket billiards.SouthPeak says that the game will include both single and multiplayer modes across 13 different types of pool, from 8 and 9-ball, to snooker, rotation, and black jack. In addition, Pool Party will include multiple environments, as well as various pool sharks to control. The title, which is expected to ship for the Wii in February, will also marry playing pool with waggle for what the publisher describes as "the most definitive pool simulation yet seen on Nintendo hardware." SouthPeak, Lunar Pool would like to have a word with you.edit: it appears that the game is in fact already out, and has been for some time at least in North America, making the announcement sent our way some strange mix of internet tomfoolery and mysticism.