

  • VC Friday: It's Tanooki time

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This week, European gamers have another crack at the Neo Geo, and they can get their golf on if they are so inclined ... but somehow, we just have a feeling that the most popular title will also be the cheapest. Gee, could it be that a few people might be a little excited about Super Mario Bros. 3? Super Mario Bros. 3 -- NES -- 500 Wii points Power Golf -- Turbografx -- 600 Wii points Blue's Journey -- Neo Geo -- 900 Wii points

  • Super Mario Bros. 3, Alien Soldier, and some other game to appear on VC tomorrow

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Heralding the release of Super Mario Galaxy this November 12th, Nintendo plans to deliver Super Mario Bros. 3, a title which many feel to be the NES's finest product, with this week's Virtual Console update. We've already pulled 500 Wii points out of our wallet, just waiting to hand the cash over to anyone who'll give us the game in return. We'll sleep tonight with the bills gripped tightly in our fists, smiling as we dream about spending the entirety of tomorrow ensconced in a giant green boot.Treasure's classic run-and-gun boss-travaganza for the Sega Genesis, Alien Soldier, will also be available for download tomorrow, having previously appeared in North America only through the ill-fated Sega Channel. Hardcore gamers won't regret spending 900 Wii points on this one. And if they do, that speaks more to their character than Alien Soldier's qualities.On the TurboGrafx-16 side, we'll have the option of buying Power Golf for 600 Wii points. Unfortunately for Power Golf, we've already resigned ourselves to only purchasing games which feature either a Tanooki Suit or a Seven Force robot this week. Sucks to be Power Golf.

  • VC Tuesday: Lost Treasure

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    VISUALSHOCK! SPEEDSHOCK! SOUNDSHOCK! NOW IS TIME TO THE 68000 HEART ON FIRE! So says the title screen in Treasure's Alien Soldier, and they're right-- given the intensity of Alien Soldier, the Mega Drive's 68000 heart seems likely to overheat. But Japanese gamers will be playing the game on Wiis this week, which, we hear, are considerably more powerful than the Sega Mega Drive.Alien Soldier is a sort of evolution of the gameplay found in Gunstar Heroes-- more weapons and customization, more moves, more bosses (the bosses are, in fact, the focus of the game, with simple, short levels between them), and more brutal difficulty. We're really hoping that this Japanese release leads to an eventual American release, because we're Treasure fanatics and the game never came out over here (except on the Sega Channel).NOW IS TIME TO THE LIST OF JAPAN VIRTUAL CONSOLE RELEASES! ZANAC (Famicom, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) Alien Soldier (Mega Drive, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) Power Golf (PC Engine, 1-3 players, 600 Wii Points) Art of Fighting (Neo Geo, 1-2 players, 900 Wii Points)