

  • Rock Band Weekly: Presidents of the USA, Hinder, Fall Out Boy

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We pretty much knew that The Presidents would be showing up for next week's Rock Band DLC, but there are also songs from Hinder and Fallout Boy for your consideration. Rock Band 2 owners, don't forget to redeem the code on the back of your game's instruction booklet for the 20 free songs, which will be available next week.Presidents of the United States of America (440 / $5.50) "Dune Buggy" (160 / $2) "Feather Pluckn" (160 / $2) "Ladybug" (160 / $2) Individual songs: "Use Me" - Hinder (80 / $1) "I Don't Care" - Fall Out Boy (80 / $1) Videos for these songs can be found after the break. The tracks will be available for download next Tuesday and Thursday for Xbox 360 and PS3, respectively.