

  • EverQuest II's 8th anniversary: Celebrating a pivotal year

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    What a difference a day makes. And what a difference 365 days make! Every EverQuest II anniversary retrospective notes a number of changes, tweaks, and additions to the lands of Norrath, but none can boast the depth and breadth of changes that have happened over the previous 12 months. Between adding brand-new systems and altering the very landscape itself, Sony Online Entertainment has changed how players relate to -- and even access -- the game in fundamental ways. What's new? For starters, new lands, new sandbox features, a new payment model, and a new class have all appeared over the course of this past year. But that's not all; no one can accuse SOE of just sitting on its laurels because the changes keep a-comin' at seemingly ever increasing speeds. Not only does this anniversary sit literally on the cusp of even more major dramatic alterations (the dust's hardly settled from SOE Live and the ninth expansion, with all of its content, launches in just five days), but two innovations have slid in right under the wire! Whether you've been away or you just want to reminisce, let's take a moment to look over the past year in EverQuest II before we lose ourselves in Chains of Eternity.

  • The Tattered Notebook: A scenic tour of the Withered Lands

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    As we get closer to April 17th, more and more is being revealed about what's in EverQuest II's Game Update 63. Fortunately, much of it is on the test server, so players can pop in, check things out, and not have to worry about an NDA. I decided to head over, and since I already had a character test copied to the server, I was able to get in and see the new zones and some of the new additions to the game. Read on for highlights of my journeys through the Withered Lands and Skyshrine!