

  • Priest Q&A Released

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The priest Q&A has just been released. This is the final Q&A in the entire class Q&A series, and has some answers that many in the Priest community have been looking for. The Rogue Q&A was also released this afternoon.Some of the highlights of the Priest Q&A include: The Shadow tree needs to have more talents which affect overall damage, and less on DoT only damage. This is so the Shadow Priest isn't penalized during encounters in which DoTs are not usable. Dispelling DoTs is not too easy right now. Regarding the Glyph of Mind Flay: " this point we don't think it would be a problem if the glyph just bumped the range without the penalty. It's probably too conservative a glyph." Blizzard is considering removing the backlash from Shadow Word: Death if the target is within Execute range. Blizzard recognizes the disparity between Greater Heal and Flash Heal, but doesn't really offer any solid solution. There are no concrete plans to change Lightwell into something useful. Blizzard is not happy that Dispels can miss, but they don't have an easy fix for it. The full Q&A after the break.