

  • Insider Trader: Enchanting, the final stretch

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Enchanting, as a profession, can be an extremely expensive thing to level, although some people manage profits even while working on their skills. It all depends on which recipes you can get and how you got them, how often you're in the right place at the right time, and your connections in the community. This week, Insider Trader will be walking you through the cheapest method of reaching 375 enchanting from a skill of 300, as well as providing tips for making some money while you're at it.

  • Insider Trader: Alchemy, the final stretch

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Insider Trader is your inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products. While alchemy is certainly not the most flashy or popular profession out there, alchemists are an integral part of the game, and any guild worth its salt has at least one, preferably several, working to supply guildmates and fill the guild bank with stacks of consumables and transmuted items. This week's leveling guide will feature the usual cheapest route, and the most useful, to 375 for solos and casuals. For those of you who will be working for your guild (and hopefully are also being financed, or supported by herbalists), we'll show you how to reach 375 by making the most useful items. They might cost more, but your guild will be requiring them anyway, so you might as well get your skill points that way, rather than making stacks of items you won't be using.

  • Insider Trader Bulletin: Transmute mastery confirmed borked

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Insider Trader is your weekly inside line on making, selling and using player-made items. Catch regular weekly installments on Fridays.It's not your imagination! Blue has finally reassured transmutation-specced alchemists that alchemy transmutes have indeed been suspiciously light since patch 2.3. In a post in Blizzard's Customer Service forum, Pavonum comments, "Ah, good question! Based on the notes I've consulted, it seems that Primal Might is currently the only transmutation proccing extras at the intended, higher rate; all other transmutations are proccing at an unintended, significantly lower rate. I hope that provides some clarification. :)" A new sticky in the Professions forum updates players on the status of this issue. Naethera notes: "As of the 2.3 content patch, there's currently an issue with Transmutation Mastery by which the percentage chance to receive additional results from transmutations - aside from Transmute: Primal Might - is lower than the intended value. This is likely contributing to the dearth of procs you've observed, and I'd like to offer my apologies for any consternation that has arisen as a result of the discrepancy. I'm happy to report that this matter should be resolved in a future patch, but your continued patience in the interim is appreciated. :) "That's a lot of blue :) to offset a lot of alchemist :( -- but the problem should be resolved soon!