

  • Check out our improved and expanded buyer's guide!

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    Remember gdgt? The social network-slash-product database where gadget enthusiasts rated the things they'd bought (and bookmarked the stuff they wanted)? Well, it never went away: For the past few years, the gdgt database has lived on at Engadget, where we've continued to serve up things like specs, user ratings and aggregated reviews from sites we trust. Over the past year, we've sought to bring back the best of gdgt and merge it with the Engadget's Buyer's Guide. Our vision is a one-stop, comprehensive buyer's guide -- one where our readers can help each other make better purchasing decisions. We already had all the ingredients we needed -- we just needed them to live under the same proverbial roof.

  • Be a part of the Engadget community!

    Dave Schumaker
    Dave Schumaker

    Welcome to the new Engadget, where the surprises never stop coming! In addition to the updated design and logo, we just recently launched some great new community tools for your consumption. They include profiles, discussions, user reviews, a gigantic product database, gadget lists and more. Basically, it's everything you need to stay plugged into the world of technology. So, how do you become an essential part of the Engadget community? Jump past the break to find out!

  • Getting to know the new Engadget

    Frank Spinillo
    Frank Spinillo

    If you haven't noticed, Engadget has some new digs and there's a lot more going on than a fresh look. While you kick back and recover from holiday feasting, it's time to start thinking about what you're buying friends and family this year. We've got a suite of new tools to help make the shopping process a bit less painful. There's a lot to digest, but we've put together a helpful guide explaining all of Engadget's new features. Read on for everything you need to know.