

  • Forum post of the day: Pick up groups to pick up points

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    I'll give you a quick run down of the general forums today: Take away the arena point requirement, or else! Epic flight costs too much! Requiring arena points for PvP gear is a slap in the face! I can't get this or that achievement because it involves something I don't want to do! This is the end of casuals, I don't have time to play arenas! /waggle GG Bliz, the arena requirement is going to make me go play <insert any other MMORPG here>! Death Knights should tank! If you're going to make us play arenas, let us PUG them like battlegrounds! It is hard to find someone who is happy with this new PvP development. I'm indifferent. Personally I find arenas to be the best part of PvP and the purpose of battlegrounds anyway. Like so many others, you need not agree. That last theme however, Blizzard should players to PUG arenas, gave me a moment of pause.