

  • The Best of Big Download: July 27-August 10, 2008

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    Wow. Our coverage of E3 was pretty extensive but that doesn't mean we have been lazy since then . . . far from it in fact. Check out our extensive original features (including our QuakeCon 2008 coverage), new downloads and important news items from the past couple of weeks:Exclusive Features QuakeCon 2008 coverage: Big Download went to Dallas for the annual free gathering of gamers sponsored by id Software. Check out our round-up of all our extensive coverage of the event, which includes new info on Rage, Wolfenstein, a QuakeCon picture gallery and a case mod gallery. GOG.com Interview: We chat with Tom Ohle on their upcoming digital download gaming site that will offer classic PC games that will be DRM free and sold on the cheap. Hinterland Interview: Tilted Mill's Chris Beatrice chats with us about their first original downloadable game. ECA Interview: We talk with Hal Halpin, the president of the Entertainment Consumers Association. PAX 2008 Interview: Robert Khoo gives us the 411 on their plans for the 2008 edition of the Penny Arcade Expo. Champions Online Preview: We go hands-on with Cryptic's upcoming super hero MMO. Oosah Impressions: We look at a new web site that makes uploading screenshots for games easy. TOJam 2008: We look at the winners of the recent indie games competition. Big Ideas: Our latest look at gaming themes takes at look at indivdual identity in games. 5 Reasons to love Fallout 3: Our latest gallery feature takes a look at the reasons we want to play the upcoming RPG. Freeware Friday: We take a look at the recent free racing game Trackmania Nations Forever. BigCast: We have Episode 5 and Episode 6 of our regular podcast ready for a listen.

  • id's Carmack: iPhone nearly as powerful as Xbox, PS2

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    When he isn't dabbling in rocket science, id Software's John Carmack is one of the world authorities on 3D graphics programming. Carmack, who recently revealed that he is turning his talents to Apple's iPhone (the graphics ones, not the rocketry smarts) for a "graphical tour de force," has provided his two cents on just how powerful the cell phone personal media device really is.During an on-stage appearance at QuakeCon 2008, the man who's tinkered with every graphics tech under the sun likened the polygon-pushing capabilities of iPhone to that of Sega's late, great Dreamcast. Taking the comparison to more current game hardware, he stated that iPhone is "more powerful than a Nintendo DS and Sony PSP combined," perhaps even nearing the capabilities of the PS2 and original Xbox. Given his statements, we're even more eager to see the two projects id is developing for the device, a "conventional mobile game" and the aforementioned visual show stopper. [Via Engadget]

  • QuakeCon 2008 in pictures

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    OMGWTFBBQ! What you see above is just one of many outlandish case mods to be found at QuakeCon 2008's "BYOC" LAN party annex. Given the fans and heatsinks that thing's sporting, we wouldn't be surprised if you could actually grill on it. Our sister site, Big Download, is at the annual frag fest covering all things PC and snapped these photos, along with some general ambiance shots (read: booth girls). Gallery: QuakeCon 2008 PC Case Mod Gallery Gallery: QuakeCon 2008

  • Doom IV getting name change operation

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Whatever form the next game in the Doom saga takes, it will do so with a name other than simply Doom IV. id's Tim Willits told Big Download during this week's QuakeCon that the previously revealed Doom sequel will still have Doom in the title, but will adopt some form of hellish subtitle instead of a number, roman numeral or otherwise.The designer noted that the decision was made, at least in part, because the fourth game in the series will not be a continuation of the events seen in Doom III and its expansion. As for what we can expect from the forthcoming Doom something something, who's to say, though it'll probably involve demons, a shotgun and -- if Doom III was any indication -- us wetting the bed.