

  • 8 quests you might have skipped, but shouldn't

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Right now in WoW is a time many of us know all too well: the pre-expansion lull. The last major content patch of Mists of Pandaria is out, and we're not going to see much new stuff until whenever 6.0 shows up on the horizon. Many of us are casting about looking for things to keep us occupied in the game until then--things such as finishing up old rep grinds, working on achievements, collecting mounts, and putting together the perfect transmog set. Something else you might consider doing is going back and finishing up some old, low-level quests, even if you're not working on your Loremaster title. And why might you want to do this? Because some low-level quests are pretty dang fun, good for a laugh, and offer some interesting perspectives in terms of fleshing-out Azeroth's world. I've picked out eight low-level quests (or quest chains) that are a particular delight. I've tried to focus on those in some of the world's more overlooked areas, so as to highlight a few fun adventures you might have missed. Unless otherwise marked, all listed quests are available to both factions.

  • Best RP quest chains pre-Outlands

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    So you leveled your main into the late 50s and are ready to jump into the time-sucking goodness that is the Outlands. But before you head in, you want to experience any good pre-BC quest chains you may have missed. One player on the official forums is in this exact situation and wants to know: what quest chain should she do that has good XP and an interesting storyline before heading into the Burning Crusade content?Many players have chimed in so far with their fondly remembered misadventures. Tirion Fordring's Redemption chain out of the Eastern Plaguelands gets many recommendations. As does the Marauders of Darrowshire chain in which you have to find a little girl ghost's missing dolly and along the way relive a critical moment in the history of the lands.You can also summon a helicopter out of Azshara, get killed on purpose out of Un'goro and learn the history of the Moonkin which takes you to the same area where you can quest for a mechanical yeti. But there is one quest that is getting the most enthusiastic recommendations.

  • Breakfast Topic: Favorite quest chain

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    There are so many great quests in the game, but some of the most intriguing ones are the longer chains. And while the quests themselves may be annoying hunts for rare drops, sometimes the entertaining quest text in between is all worthwhile. My absolute favorite chain in the game has to be the one given by the charming Apothecary Lydon in Tarren Mill. He has such amusing dialogs that I can't help but giggle whenever I get a new Horde character into the 20s and run off to do those quests. He's such a charmer, with lines like:There we go! Ah, nothing brightens a gloomy day in these miserable foothills like bringing a little suffering into the world.So do you have any favorite quests chains in the game? Things you go out of your way to find whenever you're playing a new character?