

  • This website only lets one person in at a time

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    As I write this, I'm waiting in line. Not at the grocery store or camping out for a superfluous wearable, but to get into a website. That only one person can visit at a time. For a total 60 seconds. It's madness. There are 3,662 people ahead of me and my ticket number is 113,664. I'm not great at math, but I estimate that it's going to be awhile before I see what's contained on Most Exclusive Website. As site designer Justin Foley tells The Washington Post, he made this website because it's the exact opposite of what the internet is supposed to be: open and accessible by anyone. As for what's in the metaphorical box (or Marcellus Wallace's digital briefcase), that isn't so clear, but WaPo thinks it's random pictures of an "internet-famous animal." So, Grumpy Cat perhaps?

  • The struggle between gear disparity and good play

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Okay, truth time - I can solo any five player heroic dungeon in Mists of Pandaria, as long as it doesn't have mechanics that prevent me. If I'm even concerned that I'll take too much damage and die, I'll pop on my tank set and go prot, but many times it isn't even a concern. Blow all my DPS cooldowns, blow my defensive cooldowns when I'm at about half health, boss falls over. Done it in Mogu'shan Palace and Scarlet Monastery. And I'm hardly the exception here - the fact is, the Mists of Pandaria dungeons were introduced at the beginning of the expansion and tuned so that players in ilevel 450 gear could complete them. I'm at around ilevel 576. Even players who are just in flex or LFR gear out gear these instances immensely. If a DPS player in full SoO LFR gear goes into Mogu'shan Palace and decides to pull more mobs than the tank was ready or waiting for, he or she can probably DPS them all down before dying themselves, especially if they get a few heals. Meanwhile, even the tanks can often put out enough damage (while taking so very little and having various means to heal it up) that they can basically solo the whole place if they want to, leaving absolutely everyone in the group feeling very little need to actually play as a group. As many, many people point out to me on twitter, it's just assumed that everyone is going to pull like crazy, so even undergeared players in a specific role often assume it's going to happen and react. Maybe your tank doesn't want to pull like a fiend, but they saw your gear and thought they had to in order to keep control of the dungeon. The lines of group communication have broken down into a silence that masks intent - runs are zoned into and pulled with grim efficiency. Into this veil of silence enters you, the player. So what can be done about it?

  • Proving Grounds will not solve the real problem

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Olivia Grace wrote an excellent post last week about the upcoming change that will link a silver performance in Proving Grounds to the ability to queue for heroic dungeons. You should definitely go read it, because I cheerfully cede to her points. It's not hard to get silver in proving grounds. Linking a silver performance to heroic dungeons will allow them to make heroics more challenging. These are all good things. Now I'm going to say something - the biggest problem in heroics isn't players who don't know what they're doing. It's players who do. Specifically, it's skilled and geared players who massively, massively out-gear said heroics and want to ignore the mechanics and chain pull every mob in the place, players who are completely inconsiderate of the other players in their group. Players who are skilled, but who let their fevered egocentric natures run wild, hurling insults at lesser geared players for 'not keeping up.' Players who make the dungeon an unpleasant festival of wipes because they refuse to understand that some of the people in the dungeon are only just geared enough to be there, and can't heal through thirty mobs hitting them at once or kill those thirty mobs fast enough. It's players who have a really well geared main, but come to the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral on their brand new monk and refuse to understand that they're not nearly as powerful now. It's not skill, it's attitude.

  • Queue for all the LFRs at once in patch 5.4

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Mists of Pandaria added the option to queue for every different type of content at once, but new with patch 5.4 is the ability to queue for every LFR at once. Yes, literally every single one. This means you can queue for all the LFRs at once, and from my experience today at least, it seems that once you're done with your first LFR of the day, your second queue has popped. It apparently maintains your place in the queue while you're inside the instance, so you will lose absolutely nothing by doing one LFR while you wait. There is a limit on the number of instances you can queue for, which seems, at the moment at least, to be around ten instances. At that point, it just started telling me that I couldn't add any more to my list. But, as you can see to the right-hand side, it is very possible to queue for a large number of LFRs all at once, and add more to your queue list as you complete them. What it doesn't seem to do is particularly prioritize the ones you added first, but that is a very small price to pay for finally being able to queue for all the LFRs at once!

  • Lichborne: What to do with your new level 85 death knight in patch 4.2

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done. So you've dinged level 85 on your death knight. Now what? Patch 4.2 bought a lot of new things for level 85s of almost any PVE playstyle to do, so you have options to choose from. This week, we'll take a look at some of the best things you can do to get yourself geared up and ready to hit the next level of PVE play once you hit level 85.