

  • Officers' Quarters: Too much Stormstout ale

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook. Adult raiders are free to enjoy a few adult beverages while they raid. This week, a guild leader wonders what to do when a raider has a few too many and ruins a night of raiding. (He also asks about raid scheduling, which isn't nearly as interesting, but we'll talk about it anyway.) Hi Scott, Yes, it's me again, Apocalyptic GM, sorry to be bothering you again, but you did such a good job last time of giving advice, that i felt the need to come to you again, especially now that two further large problems have arisen within my guild. Firstly, the issue of raiding days. Currently i work shifts of 4 on 4 off at night time, which means i am only available for every 4 out of 8 days. We raided fine with this for the last 6 months ... but recently there has been some descent among the ranks, and complaints that people aren't happy with the current raiding days set up, and this hampering our time raiding. Now I could easily change to a fixed raiding days, but that would leave me frequently absent from raids, which is not something i would prefer. And this leaves me in a pickle as to what to do. As guild master and raid leader I feel I should be able to set up raids to suit me, but then I also feel I should better accomodate my guild.

  • Officers' Quarters: Solutions to scheduling conflicts

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook, available now from No Starch Press. This week's Officers' Quarters doesn't enjoy the same high drama compared to, say, the story from a few weeks ago of a guild leader who took back his guild using a secret alt. However, it's a common issue that often crops up for both officers and non-officers alike: What can you do when your personal schedule suddenly conflicts with your guild's raid times? It may seem hopeless, but it doesn't always have to be! First, the email: So I am at a crossroads. The guild I am currently in as an officer is 6/7 on FL norm. The raid schedule we currently have is a friday/saturday night. Unfortunately though due to real life scheduling soon I will not be able to raid on friday nights. I do not wish to leave this guild that I am currently in. I have 4 level 85s in the guild and I have developed a lot of friendships. I know if my guild leader finds out that i have left the guild she will understand but not be happy. I would like to find a guild who has a more flexible raid schedule, but I don't want to leave the guild I am in and loose my position of officer. I have no idea how to go about this situation. Please help, Much Confusion

  • Officers' Quarters: Mailbox roundup redux

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook, available this spring from No Starch Press. Here at Officers' Quarters, I receive a number of emails every week that don't get featured in the column for various reasons (which I explained last time I did a roundup). Once again, it's time to examine some of these shorter -- but no less interesting! -- topics. This roundup's theme is Cataclysm concerns and preparation. Just the two of us Hello, I have tried to find this info but I cannot seem to find it anywhere, or I am really terrible at finding things. Is there going to be a minimum guild size to participate in guild leveling? I started a small guild for myself and my son to play in and we are having a great time, but I hoped we could take advantage of these new features without joining a larger guild or recruiting into the existing one. Obviously we would not get any experience for raids or dungeons, but what about questing and professions, or even rated battlegrounds? Thank you for your time, Callidor