

  • FS of Ravencrest-EU gets world first level 90? [UPDATE: Rolled back]

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    While we're not ready to declare it official, it appears the world's first level 90 has been achieved. FS of the Ravencrest-EU realm dinged just a short time ago, according to GuildOx. It's important to take these early dings with a healthy dose of skepticism, as in the past they've been accompanied by swift action on Blizzard's part when the leveling method has been discovered to be exploitative. Some high-profile people in Cataclysm took park in an exploit, only to find themselves slapped with a level decrease back to 80. We'll keep you updated as we learn more about this developing story, but if this is a legit power leveling, then it's been done extremely fast. Mists only released in the EU a little over four hours ago. Updated 1:30 a.m. EDT 9/25/12: Apparently he's been rolled back to 87, which follows what many in the forums are claiming (although there hasn't been any evidence until now).

  • Algalon kill video from the Underground Kosmonavts

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    As you might have heard previously, the Underground Kosmonavts of EU-Ravencrest scored the World 2nd kill on the 10-man version of Algalon. Shortly after their kill they released a video of it, which has burning across the net. Algalon has been incredibly hyped, so it doesn't surprise me!Now, I haven't done this fight, I won't pretend I have, and all that I've seen is this video, so take this as, essentially, me talking out of my rear end: This fight looks really easy compared to what I've seen of Ulduar so far. Quite honestly, it looks like a tank and spank compared to something like Mimiron. Not to mention his hard mode, which you need to do to get to Algalon in the first place. Maybe Algalon is Ulduar's Brutallus? Hopefully there are elements to the fight that don't show up on video very well (from the point of view of a Hunter especially), and what we're seeing isn't a good indicator of the whole encounter.Of course, I really don't mean to trivialize the accomplishment here. These guys were the second guild in the world to down him, and I imagine that if it were as easy as the video makes it look, a lot more guilds would have done it by now. Great job, Kosmonavts.