

  • Q-tec finalizes installation of RealD 3D system in Japan

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's pretty stellar to hear of theater chains lining up to install 3D systems, but this one just gets us all sorts of envious. Reportedly, Q-tec -- one of Japan's leading video post production service providers -- has just completed the "first domestic installation of a 3D cinema system developed by RealD." And it doesn't sound as if Q-tec is done, particularly considering that it's planning to begin "full-scale operation" this month. Who woulda thunk it -- maybe 3D cinema has a shot after all.

  • RealD's 3D capabilities coming to 100 Dickinson theatres

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    RealD's been snatching up cinema agreements left and right, with the latest chain being Dickinson Theatres. While details are scant, the agreement does bring RealD's 3D capabilities to a full 100 of Dickinson's theaters, and it sounds as if the theater company is pretty stoked about it. In fact, it's already talking up how stellar Disney's Bolt will be, as well as the 13 3D films already planned for theatrical release in 2009. Regrettably, there's no mention of what kind of up-charge you'll be looking at when viewing the third-dimension.[Image courtesy of FilmSchoolRejects]

  • DreamWorks CEO participates in live transatlantic 3D broadcast

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While it's not quite a hologram interview, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg still managed to wow onlookers in Amsterdam by being the subject of a live 3D broadcast originating in Los Angeles. This isn't the first of its kind, mind you, but those involved are still patting themselves on the back and dubbing it the "first transatlantic HD stereoscopic 3D broadcast." Part of the demonstration was to showcase the bigwig's belief that 3D is the future of cinema, as he stated that it was "the most exciting thing to happen to the visual experience in 70 years." Over at IBC2008, 3D HD was being pumped up by firms such as 3Ality and Quantel, and as much as we doubted that this stuff could ever catch on, we can't say the marketing teams aren't doing their darnedest to make it so.[Image courtesy of PhotoBucket]

  • Cinpolis and RealD to bring 3D cinema to more of Mexico

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Funny story -- so just four months back, we were seriously wondering if 3D theaters could truly thrive. Here we are just a season later, and the answer is looking clearer all the time. Cinépolis, the planet's fifth largest cinema exhibitor, has just announced in conjunction with RealD a new partnership that will bring 500 new 3D screens to locales in Mexico, South America and Central America. Six of the new screens have already been installed, while the remainder will continue to be rolled out until 2010. Exact cities weren't mentioned, but we are told that those who get 'em before December can expect to see Disney's BOLT in eye-popping 3D this Christmas.[Image courtesy of HomeTheaterBlog]