

  • Canabalt dev forms indie studio Finji, taking semi-publishing role

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    Canabalt creator Adam Saltsman and wife Rebekah Saltsman have created a studio focused on making "new kinds of games with ethical business models" that they call "Finji." Finji will offer both development and publishing services as they collaborate with other game creators. Their first commercial project is Capsule, which is available now from the Humble Store. When the Saltsmans aren't developing, they'll be working with creators like Scott Benson and Alec Holowka on their upcoming game, Night In The Woods. Finji will be there, as Adam Saltsman wrote on the studio's Tumblr page, to "help pick up some of the admin and production work." Finji will also help distribute the game on desktop and mobile platforms. Finji is self-funded; no Kickstarter campaigns or big-name investors. Adam Saltsman wrote that this means the studio can operate as its creators see fit, and judging by some of his statements, the business will run with an air of respect. "People that choose to support our work by purchasing our games are not a resource to be mined," Saltsman wrote. "Our goal is to make the best games we can and price them in such a way that our audience can afford to buy them and we can afford to continue making games." [Image: Finji]