

  • Ask Cryptic and ye shall receive -- Champions Online answers, that is

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    At the end of February, Champions Online posted an "Ask Cryptic" thread, inviting players to query devs about anything on their minds. And plenty did, filling 14 pages with burning questions such as will past events like Nighthawk ever return, can we get vehicle vs. vehicle battlegrounds, and have you tried bacon jerky? Producer Tom Edwards and the Champion's dev team answered these -- yes, good idea, and "Why would you do this to me?" respectively -- along with many others. Although not all questions could be individually addressed, Edwards touched on as many as possible. Want to hear about land vehicles (yes, they are coming), adjusted lockbox drop rates, or the plans for a story arc throughout 2013? Then check out the full answer session on the official site.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: The pros and cons of long-running events

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I'm writing this while I wait for the next round of the Canthan New Year finale to begin -- I need my fourth lion mask; it's important! Guild Wars festivals are always fascinating to me, and not just for the bump to my sugar, booze, and party points. They are a great opportunity for people-watching, so to speak. Canthan New Year has been a recurring festival for a long time in Guild Wars, and today I want to take a look at the ups and downs of having the same event over and over. First, though, let's take a peek at what MVOP has been up to for the past week. We are still blasting through Factions, but we took a small break last Thursday night to enjoy the festival, run a few quests and frankly embarrass me during a few rounds of Dragon Nest. Once the guild learned that I have never participated in that particular festival event, it was insisted that I remedy that right away. As it turns out, a speed buff of some sort is highly desired in Dragon Nest, and if you don't have one, you will likely spend a lot of time trundling around trying to tag baby dragons while competing players zip past you shouting about sugary blue drinks. Note to self: Save up some chocolate bunnies next year. Once we'd enjoyed some festival events, it was back to our regular path in Factions: Unwaking Waters. We completed that quest and set plans to continue next Thursday night as always, so if you'd like to join us, visit our forums and drop us a line! For now, follow along after the jump to read about the pros and cons of a long-running festival like Canthan New Year.