

  • Red Steel 2 confirmed again and again and again

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The Red Steel 2 saga is one that we're all familiar with here at Wii Fanboy HQ. And, despite purchasing the first game and finding out the hard way that it was near the worst title we'd played since Aquaman, we'll probably end up buying its sequel. Of course, some kind of promise to fix all of the first game's issues on the part of Ubisoft would also help.But, on to the news: Red Steel 2 has been confirmed in the latest issue of ONM! Total shock, right? Of course it is. You haven't even heard anything like that in your entire life.[Via Kotaku]

  • Red Steel 2 listing probably getting us excited for no reason

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We know that game retailers often just throw release dates about willy-nilly, like Jackson Pollock at his absolute drunkest. But does that stop us from getting excited when we see some sexy new release date, even though we have a gut feeling it's probably just made up? No, dear reader. Of course it doesn't.For the perfect example of our weakness, check out the image to the right. It's a list gleaned from GameStop in Europe of upcoming releases for the Wii. We spy WiiFit on there, snugly in February, which sounds about right, but what about a little lower on the list? Why, if it isn't our old friend Red Steel 2. One of the more elusive upcoming releases, the game has fluctuated between being alive and being dead more times than Nikki Sixx. Though Red Steel 2 has been bandied about before, we've never heard anything concrete on it. Now, after seeing this list ... we still haven't. But just the same, its inclusion here piques our interest, no matter what our guts are saying.[Via WFB]

  • EU GameStop list filled with placeholders, excitement

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Did we miss an official announcement for Red Steel 2? Apparently GameStop didn't, because they have it down for a fall release in Europe. Of course, it's listed on a placeholder date, but the mere fact that it is there is what piques our interest. GameStop may have a lot of faults, but making up games is not something they're known for. Are we ready for another Red Steel? Some of us found many redeeming qualities in the flawed title and are excited about a sequel, but we hope for a lot of fixes in the meantime. Ubisoft has apparently been working on the sequel since wrapping up the first title, but we can only hope they've taken enough time this go-round. But enough about that -- let's talk about the rest of the list, which you can find after the break. Wii Fit in February? That sounds about right, though the actual date is probably a placeholder. But the best news for European gamers is that it looks like a lot of these titles aren't suffering from the massive delay that so often plagues releases. That can only be a good thing ... for everything except your wallet, that is.

  • Red Steel 2 confirmed and then denied

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Allegedly this morning Red Steel 2 was confirmed at an event in Cannes and has since been denied by Ubisoft. Red Steel, a launch title for the Wii, was meant to show how the Wii could elevate the FPS genre -- that didn't happen. What Red Steel ended up being was a set of negative adjectives, but the belief (until about an hour ago) was that Ubisoft hoped to rectify that with the announcement of Red Steel 2. The game's rumored online mode had been confirmed and that's pretty much all the details we had about this title that doesn't exist ... officially.Although Ubisoft has already apologized for over-porting the Wii, we wish they'd have kept Red Steel in development for a bit longer (although it was clearly designed to make Wii launch). We're just going to have to wait until Metroid Prime to see what a fully designed Wii FPS will play like. If Metroid Prime falls on flat on Samus's helmet, we fear for the genre on the system.Read -- Confirmed [Via GoNintendo]Read -- Denied