

  • 60 year-old remote-controlled robot made from scrap parts makes a dramatic, beautiful comeback

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    This is George. He's a six-foot tall robot handmade from the aluminum scraps of a crashed bomber in 1950. George is remote controlled, and was built by Tony Sale, the same man who recently resurrected the nearly forgotten robotic darling from the storage shed where he's spent the last 45 years or so. Some oil and batteries were all it took to get George up and walking again, and he'll now have a permanent home at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, England. And that's the next museum we'll be visiting, because we cannot get enough of this giant. Tear-inducing video is after the break. [Image Credit: Geoff Robinson, Daily Mail]