

  • Wings Over Atreia: Rent-a-gear

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Wondering what to wear when you get an invite to an extra spiffy affair -- perhaps a cruise on the Steel Rake? Are you stuck strutting around in your ragged greens and whites? What about preparing to duel to protect the honor of your legion? Are you going to show up in that pathetic mismatched outfit with that embarrassing weapon? Afraid to brave the wilds of Beluslan for fear of the snickers you will receive from the white-winged enemies that descend upon you as you gather once they get a gander at your gear? Never fear, we have rent-a-gear! For times just such as these -- and any other battle needs -- your friendly neighborhood Shugos come through again, with an extra special offer for you, just for you! Ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack. So might go an advertisement for one of the new features brought to Aion in the 1.9 patch -- the chance to deck yourself out in high-level, albeit temporary, gear. While jewelry is not offered, you can get weapons of every kind, shields, and full sets of armor -- definitely a plus for anyone seeking instant gearing-up satisfaction, but is it a good deal? How practical is this gear, and do players really take advantage of it? Suit up and march past the cut to explore some pros and cons, and see whether this new feature makes the grade with players.