

  • John Hopkins

    Lab-grown eyes explain how a baby's vision develops in the womb

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Researchers at John Hopkins have grown artificial eye parts to better understand how we develop color vision. Though they don't look like eyeballs, the "organoid" retinas built from stem cells grow in much the same way as our own orbs. By using CRISPR to manipulate thyroid hormone levels, they shut off growth of green- and red-detecting cells. The results could provide new insight into how we develop color vision and help doctors treat blindness in the future.

  • MIT unveils computer chip that thinks like the human brain, Skynet just around the corner

    Chris Barylick
    Chris Barylick

    It may be a bit on the Uncanny Valley side of things to have a computer chip that can mimic the human brain's activity, but it's still undeniably cool. Over at MIT, researchers have unveiled a chip that mimics how the brain's neurons adapt to new information (a process known as plasticity) which could help in understanding assorted brain functions, including learning and memory. The silicon chip contains about 400 transistors and can simulate the activity of a single brain synapse -- the space between two neurons that allows information to flow from one to the other. Researchers anticipate this chip will help neuroscientists learn much more about how the brain works, and could also be used in neural prosthetic devices such as artificial retinas. Moving into the realm of "super cool things we could do with the chip," MIT's researchers have outlined plans to model specific neural functions, such as the visual processing system. Such systems could be much faster than digital computers and where it might take hours or days to simulate a simple brain circuit, the chip -- which functions on an analog method -- could be even faster than the biological system itself. In other news, the chip will gladly handle next week's grocery run, since it knows which foods are better for you than you ever could.

  • Software system to enable visual prosthesis learning

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Years back, scientists at the University of Bonn reckoned a visual implant would cure blindness, but unfortunately, the results were less than positive. While many alternatives have surfaced in the meantime, gurus at the institution are hitting back yet again with another option of their own, as the researchers introduced a software system that enables visual prosthesis to "learn" how to interpret sights in a way that the brain can understand -- something the original implementation had difficultly accomplishing. Essentially, an artificial retina "must learn to generate signals that are useful for the brain," and while the group's software should assist users with "flexible" central visual systems to garner new abilities in sight, they warn against "expecting miracles" too soon.[Via MedGadget]