rock band bar nights


  • Rock Band Bar Nights encourages sloppy thrashing in watering holes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    There are a few things you should generally avoid whilst inebriated in a bar: saying something offensive to someone larger than you is one, and attempting to play a song with any accuracy is another (see dude on left for proof). Regardless of the facts, MTV Games and Harmonix are looking to capitalize on the raging success that is Rock Band by introducing Rock Band Bar Nights. Said program hooks registered watering holes up with "everything from exclusive Rock Band product offerings to multiplatform marketing support," and venues that sign up will also have access to an exclusive e-commerce store. Finally, those that register prior to September 8th will get a five-song preview disc from The Beatles: Rock Band, giving you serious motivation to get your local pub invested in the initiative. Just be sure to avoid "Expert" after the eighth White Russian, cool?[Via HotHardware]

  • Harmonix and EA want Rock Band at your bar

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    To think, just a few years ago a bar advertising "Rock Band" would have just seemed infuriatingly unspecific. Now, Rock Band nights at taverns, dives and watering holes are becoming commonplace enough that EA and Harmonix are formalizing them just a tad. At Rock Band Bar Nights you can register your event and get permission to use the game's logo and access to all of the songs in the Rock Band DLC catalog along with some other nice perks. While we're on the subject, Joystiq Promotions is still looking for clubs that would like to take part in our Sins of a Solar Empire Bar Nights. Despite what you may have guessed, there are plenty of great spots still available.