

  • Rock Band Weekly: Foo Fighters album; Harmonix announces Track Pack Vol. 2

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Harmonix announced today that the Foo Fighters' The Colour and the Shape album will be available as Rock Band DLC next week. "Everlong" is already featured on Rock Band 2, so you'll have to pick up that game if you want the actual "full album."Foo Fighters' The Colour and the Shape album (1600 / $20) "Doll" (160 / $2) "Monkey Wrench" (160 / $2) "Hey, Johnny Park!" (160 / $2) "My Poor Brain" (160 / $2) "Wind Up" (160 / $2) "Up in Arms" (160 / $2) "My Hero" (160 / $2) "See You" (160 / $2) "Enough Space" (160 / $2) "February Stars" (160 / $2) "Walking After You" (160 / $2) "New Way Home" (160 / $2) Also announced today is Rock Band Track Pack Vol. 2 releasing Nov 17 for $30. The 20 song disc can be played as a standalone product on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PS2. The tracks will also be transferable to the hard drive on PS3 and Xbox 360. The songs are also currently available for download on the Rock Band music store. The full Vol. 2 track list can be found after the break.Update: People have started to receive their 20 free RB2 songs. Check your email if you completed the registration process.[Thanks Nick James]