

  • Guild Wars celebrates the Dragon Festival this weekend


    It's that special time of year again. The heat is oppressive, the days are long, and the Dragon Festival is here. Guild Wars is once again celebrating the traditional Dragon Festival, which will run from 3:00 p.m. EDT today until 3:00 a.m. EDT on July 2nd. The festivities will include all the normal quests, boardwalk games, missions, bouts in the Dragon Arena, and decorations that long-time players know and love. Some slight changes have been made to the final event rewards: Rather than getting a new mask from Emperor Kisu during the finale, players will receive Imperial Mask Tokens to trade in for previous Dragon Festival or Day of the Tengu hats. With a brief two months remaining before the release of Guild Wars 2, this might be the perfect opportunity to use the boardwalk games to earn a couple of titles if you're still shy of your desired Hall of Monuments point quota.

  • Guild Wars celebrates its 7th anniversary [Updated]


    It's that special time of year again! Despite the amount of effort that has got to be getting poured into the upcoming Guild Wars 2 beta weekend event, ArenaNet isn't neglecting the baby game's elder sibling. The Guild Wars site has been updated with some information about festivities for the in-game celebration. From April 24th through May 8th, players will be able to enjoy the time-honored traditions of Guild Wars' birthday celebrations: Players can stroll down the Shing Jea Boardwalk for some festival games, race Rollerbeetles, unlock birthday hats, and collect some sweet, sweet treats. In addition, a new pet is being made available. The Hound of Balthazar can be unlocked for free by visiting Ceira, Sworn to Fire in Embark Beach and then traveling to the Zaishen Menagerie and tracking down the fiery beastie. After the anniversary has drawn to a close, the Hound will still be unlockable, but at the cost of 100,000 Balthazar Faction or 20 golden zaishen coins and 100 gold -- so maybe don't dawdle if you're interested in a shiny new pet. The updated page also promises "drops and activities never before seen in anniversary celebration," so join in the fun to find out what's new! [Update: According to a Gamebreaker TV special, all of the normal weekend events observed in Guild Wars will be running simultaneously for the anniversary celebration!]

  • Guild Wars Dragon Festival offers a roaring good time

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    If you're one of the many Guild Wars players out there, you're probably well aware of the festival that occurs right around this time each year. If, like some others, you have Guild Wars - probably even installed on your machine, but haven't logged in for a little while - then now is the time to head back in-game! Why? Because it's time for the Shing Jea Boardwalk to reappear, heralding the opening of the annual Dragon Festival.Compared to the demon mask being offered as a turn-in for 250 Victory Tokens last year, the team at Arenanet have really outdone themselves with this year's wicked-looking Imperial Dragon Mask, seen above. Players who want one of these shiny, limited-time holiday masks will have to bring their best skills to the mini-games on the boardwalk like Dragon Arena and the Rollerbeetle Races. The event runs through Sunday, July 5th for those wanting to get in on the party and score some wicked limited-time Guild Wars goodies.