

  • Preparing for Wrath Day 7: Eat, drink, and be merry

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    If you're planning on entering Northrend at 68, or if you're going to bring a toon that's new to 70 and isn't sporting a lot of good gear yet, setting aside a few choice consumables may help ease the pain while you're leveling. Even if your character's well-geared, you can take advantage of the early-bird specials being offered by a number of vendors in Azeroth and Outland who are already selling Northrend-level food and drink like Pungent Seal Whey. Check in with your local innkeepers to see what they have stocked, sell off the Outland-level equivalents, and set aside a few stacks of upgraded food and drink from vendors with whom you probably have a reputation discount. This will save you some time and gold before you board a zeppelin or boat for the north. If you're still leveling cooking, now's a great time to get to 375. You can also lay in a stash of buff food that will not only help get you the achievement The Outland Gourmet, but will help you complete The Rokk's daily cooking quests a little bit faster (and the Rokk has an achievement of his own). And it certainly won't hurt to have some buff food around for your first few dungeons.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: The Alchemist

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Apologies to Paulo Coelho fans for borrowing his title, but we have two Alchemy-related questions to start us off today, in addition to questions on Blacksmithing, cinematics, and dailies: Horizons asks... Do the alchemy specializations in wrath still work the same way as they do now in BC? For example, will I still have a chance of getting 5 wrath potions even when I'm leveling starting at 375 such as Wrath Elixirs or Icy mana potions? And will transmute spec ever be fixed? Yup, alchemy specializations work the exact same way in Wrath. As a potions master, I've already procced a few, but don't expect to see the Runic Mana or Runic Healing potion recipes until...I want to say it's 410 Alchemy. You'll skill up on the array of new elixirs like Elixir of Mighty Thoughts and Elixir of Mighty Agility until then, but do save mats for the new Alchemy trinkets that become available at (I think) 400, like Mighty Alchemist's Stone. We'll have more information soon on materials you'll start getting in Northrend that you'll want to set aside for crafting.