

  • Saks interactive storefront features 64 iPads

    Michael Grothaus
    Michael Grothaus

    The Saks 5th Avenue store in New York and have teamed up to create an interactive storefront display made up of 64 iPad 2s and 18 27" Cinema Displays in order to celebrate Fashion's Night Out. The three-window display was conceived and built by Gin Lane Media and uses a custom built app and a local network to get all the iPads connected to one another. The Loop has some additional pictures of the display. But for those of you who want to do more than look, you can actually take part in what appears on the display. Besides Stylelist imagery, users can submit their own photos that will be shown on the iPads by Tweeting photos with the hashtag #StylelistatSaks.

  • Xperia Pureness available now - includes concierge service, avarice

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Great news for the disposable income crowd: The Sony Ericsson Xperia Pureness is finally available online through Saks Fifth Avenue -- and it can be yours for a mere $990. According to some seriously high-minded PR, the sleek and feature-poor handset "represents an alternative approach to life in the complex, digital age by refining the mobile phone to its most essentials functions." You see, this bad boy "is not simply about a phone; it is about opening a debate about people's relationship with technology in a complex world." Got that? In case you're still not sold, did we mention that the purchase price includes a concierge service? Although we don't know for sure, it's probably not a leap to assume that this "concierge" is a help desk employee somewhere who could feed his village for a month with the grand you dropped on a cell phone. PR after the break.

  • Microsoft opens PC lounge in Saks Fifth Avenue for holiday season

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We all know Microsoft's feeling pretty smug -- and with good reason -- about Windows 7 right now. In an effort to drum up yet more hype for its latest OS, and perhaps to try and gauge customer interest in an East coast Store, Microsoft has decided to open up a cozy "PC lounge" inside Saks Fifth Avenue's flagship New York store -- you know, the one that actually is on Fifth Avenue. As part of the agreement, Windows 7 will be used to drive Saks' window displays, and opportunities will be provided for customers to interact with the new software throughout the building. The lounge itself will be populated by Windows 7 laptops and Microsoft experts, who'll probably answer your questions in the sort of overly peppy, commercial way that makes us wonder why anyone goes to offline shops in the first place.