

  • A newbie's first war declaration in EVE Online

    James Egan
    James Egan

    It's almost guaranteed that at some point in your time as an EVE Online pilot, you'll encounter a war declaration from another corporation. In some cases, the wardec may be provoked -- another corp's pilot killed or harassed, perhaps one ninja salvaging too many, and the next thing you know Concord sends you an email notifying you of hard times ahead. Then again, wardecs can also simply be used for kicks and consequence-free highsec kills. Potentially, a war declaration can also be a form of ransoming, a way for aggressors to extort money as a 'fee' to retract the wardec. Regardless of its cause, the situation remains the same: your opponents are free to fire upon you in high security space without triggering a response from Concord. For a newer player, a feeling of panic can sink in. That warm, comfy security blanket of highsec no longer offers its sheltering protection from harm. Perhaps for the first time, there's real risk involved in playing the game. That's an angle of war declarations that writer Sam Guss discusses in a piece for called "EVE Online: Surviving Your First War." (Guss is also a writer at EVE-Mag). But that's really just the backdrop. He recounts his own experience with being wardecced, from the surprise of the initial wardec to the sobering 24-hour countdown to war against far more experienced PvP-ers.

  • Painful lessons learned by an EVE newb

    James Egan
    James Egan

    One of the newest sites out there devoted to EVE Online is EVE-Mag, which is now much-improved through its revamped site design. While some of EVE-Mag's articles are written by and for experienced players of the game, they're also covering topics of interest to newer EVE players as well. Sam Guss (writing as "Malori Veneer") has a column called 'EVE Newb' where he chronicles his experiences, both good and bad, in EVE as he finds his way forward. Although Guss is still new to the game, he's picking up the systems in EVE pretty quickly; at this rate, he probably won't be a newb for long. It's good to see it when people address a few of the core ideas and basic concepts of the game, as EVE can be a bit daunting for some new players. Quite frankly, in EVE most players learn things the hard way. Guss is no different, and says, "The last couple of days have been a harsh reality check for me..."

  • What draws players to EVE while keeping others away?

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online is the type of game that doesn't have the broad appeal of fantasy that titles like World of Warcraft. Certainly, it attracts a number of players who are looking for an edgier game experience where actions have consequences. For some, the consequences can be steep, causing those gamers to shy away from EVE. Being wary of your fellow pilots is always a good idea, but it's not all piracy and suicide ganks. The game offers freedom to do what you want in the sandbox, but most EVE pilots stay on the right side of the law. Sam Guss is a writer at, an up and coming site that focuses on EVE Online, who wrote a piece that caught our eye at Massively. His article is titled "Is EVE for You?" and looks at what the attraction to the game is for him, and speculates about the wider appeal of EVE to other dedicated players. If you're an EVE fan, what is it that sets the game apart from other MMOs? And for those that don't play EVE Online, what aspects of the game keep you away?