

  • Apple's 'blasphemous' logo under fire in Russia

    Michael Grothaus
    Michael Grothaus

    And now for your daily dose of overreaction. Extreme Orthodox Christians in Russia have upped their complaints about Apple's iconic logo, according to CNet. This specific group of Orthodox Christians say that Apple's logo represents a "blasphemous" attack on the church since it can be seen as a representation of the Christian mythology of Satan tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden. As CNet points out, the uproar correlates to other religious/political issues happening in Russia right now -- namely the jailing of punk band Pussy Riot for its protest against the Russian Orthodox Church and its (and other secularist's) assertions that the Church has the goal of creating a clerical police state. This isn't the first time Apple's logo has been associated with Satan, and there's plenty of other crazy examples out there (jump to the 2:40 mark in this video) but this is something that Apple should conceivably be worried about. Anti-blasphemy laws are currently being proposed in Russia which, should they pass, could theoretically bar Apple from selling products with its logo on them in the country.

  • Mega64 reveals the true origins of Dante's Inferno

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Mega64's latest lampooning is a bit more historical than the troupe's other videos. Posted just after the jump is a video reenaction of the moment of Dante's Inferno's inception. We'd thought that a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Classic Literature major had planted the idea-seed in an EA executive's mind -- apparently, said gardening was actually performed by Ba'al Zebûb himself. Check out the video after the jump -- though, if you're employed at a place which frowns upon the use of the word "boners," you can consider said video NSFW.

  • PSP created to defeat Satan's army

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    This may be old as hell, but it's just too good to pass up. In this hilarious clip from South Park, we can now solve the age-old question of why the PSP was created - to defeat Satan and his hellish minions. In a parody of Lord of the Rings, Kenny, who honed his skills slaughtering digital demons on the PSP, must single-handedly combat Satan's onslaught of heaven with the ultimate weapon - the Golden PSP. Wow, what I wouldn't give for a Golden PSP, but knowing Sony, I'd most likely have to sell my wife into slave labor just to afford one. However, it just might be worth it.