

  • Female-only Queens Blade launches website, pubescent fantasies

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Do you ever complain that video game females are too chastely attired, even when heading into major combat? Is TERA's feminine armor covering up completely unnecessary square inches of real estate? Then you're not only someone whom we'd probably inch away from in an elevator but the target audience for Queens Blade, an upcoming MMO that features six all-female classes -- and little female clothing. One of the game's spotlight features is the ability for characters to transform into super-powerful versions via the Maximizing System. It both lifts and separates, we're told. Actually, the transformed versions of the characters are giant, hulking suits of armor with nasty weapons. Queens Blade now has a teaser site available with loads of information, pictures, and videos of the game. There's an option to view the site in either its native Korean or in English. If you're interested -- and we're not judging here -- stay tuned as the game is slated to head into closed beta testing earlier next year. The official trailer after the cut gives a good glimpse into this colorful post-apocalyptic landscape and the women set out to tame it.