

  • Guerrilla fixing Killzone 2 bugs, looking into control complaints

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    Despite being intentionally designed as a "weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience," Killzone 2 is taking some flak for its sluggish controls. Producer Seb Downie had previously stated that "no changes [were] required to the system" with regards to last month's demo, but now that the final game is out, Guerrilla Games is changing its tune. Included in an official list of things to be patched, Downie notes that controller issues are being looked into: "Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though." This is a stark contrast in tone whereas the previous message implied that Guerilla would not alter anything -- they just might do something now. As for the things that will definitely be patched, Guerilla has revealed it's working on bot solutions, network issues and other problems. Check after the break for the full list of fixes.

  • Killzone public beta, an inevitability

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Step aside, Halo fans. There's another game in town offering a public beta, and it's the PS3 exclusive Killzone. Seb Downie, aka motherH, revealed on the forums: "Of course there is going to be a public beta. I have always said that any game that has an online mode needs to go through a public beta to ensure it works as intended." According to the post, "more on the beta" would be coming later this year. Lets hope the "more" refers to the beta itself and not simply an announcement of its arrival in early 2008. Sony needs all the help a killer title can bring to deflect the recent press on their earnings and outlook for the year ahead. [Via CVG]