

  • Dailies in the Dread Wastes help you Stay Klaxxi

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    I am a warlock who later gets to look like a Sha, so I might be a tad biased about all the shadowy energy going on in the Dread Wastes, but it's a fun place to do dailies. I love the dailies here since your questing in the zone helps you later do your dailies with the Klaxxi. Then after you've done a ton of dailies for reputation, you can unlock one NPC at Honored and two more NPCs at Revered to finish off a couple of achievements. Bonus points if you're a fan of metal music -- all the Klaxxi NPC buffs you get are taken from song titles. Find each mantid paragon In pursuit of Stay Klaxxi, you will complete Amber is the Color of My Energy, which is to simply awaken each mantid paragon. Some paragons are locked behind reputation and some are locked behind questlines in the zone. Dread Haste Makes Dread Waste will also come easily as awakening the paragons is the major plot of the zone. You'll start by being sent to Bowmistress Li on top of the big wall, Serpent's Spine. Then:

  • Section 8 map pack now available for 360

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    360 players must be jealous of their PC brethren no longer, as they can now finally download the "Seek and Destroy" DLC for Section 8, which PC players have been exploring since late November. Despite the passage of time, the pack, which adds three new maps -- "Devil's Backbone," "Hornet's Nest," and "Azure Basin" -- and 10 new achievements, is still priced at 560 points ($7). That seems a little steep for a game we haven't seen a lot of people playing online lately ... or ever. Don't you think?

  • Section 8 gets new maps on PC only

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    TimeGate has announced an expansion of its multiplayer-focused shooter, Section 8, with the "Seek and Destroy Map Pack," which adds three new maps and 10 new achievements for 560 ($7). Though the game is available on Xbox 360 as well, the company is only making mention of PC availability for the content at the moment. The industry has become so skewed towards a console focus as of late, it's kind of nice to see PC players getting some exclusive love. Now, let's all be real quiet and see if we can detect the exact moment their heads explode when they hear they have to pay for it. [Via BigDownload]