

  • Thompson vs. Methenitis: 'Because history happens'

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    And now, a word from Jack Thompson: "Frankly, folks, I'm the pro-liberty, pro-personal choice person here because history happens." Eh, maybe not quite the rhetoric to spare him federal disbarment, but by many accounts, Thompson was actually articulate and well-spoken during last weekend's "Debate of the Century" at the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention. His opponent and Joystiq legal columnist, Mark Methenitis (pictured right), described the subdued, silver-haired crusader (not dude on left) as "largely misunderstood" in a post-debate interview on this week's Late Nite JengaJam [audio link].Sporting a gentle grandpa look, Thompson certainly appears (see clip after the break) as an entirely different character than the "internet bogeyman" who has haunted, well ... his own career. While it's a pleasant surprise to see Thompson show up in human form, he's gonna have to do better than forewarn the coming of "the 9/11 event for this industry" (sensational much?) to do any convincing around these parts. Now, excuse us while we take a break to go commit horrific acts of depravity (virtually, of course), and then go back to our ordinary, good-natured lives.[Image credit: 4Player]

  • Thompson vs. Methenitis: 'Debate of the Century'

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Joystiq's own legal counsel, Mark "Minister of Mandate" Methenitis, has announced his 1-on-1 verbal brawl debut (that's a certified professional sport, you know) against -- none other than -- Jack "Attorney at Lawl" Thompson during the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention (pre-registration now open) at the Westin Dallas Fort Worth Airport arena on a sure-to-be-historic July the Fourth, 2009. The topic: video game restrictions. So place your bets in the comments section below -- and be sure to check out the pre-fight hype reel posted after the break! [Via Law of the Game]

  • Poll confirms six Stargate Worlds planets

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    A new poll is up at Cheyenne Mountain's official Stargate Worlds website. Normally this would only be worth a mention in passing, but the text and contents of the poll actually confirm the inclusion of six specific Stargate SG-1 franchise planets.The poll asks players which planet they're most excited about visiting, and then lists six "confirmed" planets: Agnos (an Ancient city which we've already seen some pictures of), The Castle (the Tau'ri prison planet), Lucia, Stargate Command (aka Earth), Tollana, and an "unnamed Goa'uld desert planet."So it looks like there will be a good variety of places to go. But where's Abydos? It's not Stargate without Abydos!