

  • Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn funding ends, goal reached

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn concluded its Indiegogo campaign achieving $473,884, which was just slightly over its $450,000 goal. Previously the console versions of the new game would only occur if the game hit stretch goals over $775K, but the campaign site notes it's been updated and Shaq Fu will now be available on PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. A Legend Reborn finds former basketball player Shaquille O'Neal trying to bring honor to his sketchy video game past with a beat-em-up style game featuring cool melee weapons, co-op multiplayer and "hundreds of moves and battle techniques." [Image: Big Deez Productions]

  • Joystiq Weekly: Batman: Arkham Knight, our South Park review and more

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Thomas Schulenberg

    Welcome to Joystiq Weekly, a "too long; didn't read" of each week's biggest stories, reviews and original content. Each category's top story is introduced with a reactionary gif, because moving pictures aren't just for The Daily Prophet. Rocksteady revealed its return to the Batman series this week with Batman: Arkham Knight, and we've dug out capes and Batarangs from our Halloween stash to get properly excited. Last year's Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate were the first pieces of the series that weren't developed by Rocksteady. We enjoyed Arkham Origins well enough, but we're ready to move on from its bugs and glitches, especially since not all of them will be fixed with a patch. Arkham Knight is set to be the final game in the Arkham series, and we're eager to see what Rocksteady will do for the finale once it releases in October. There's plenty to read while we wait however, including news of Amy Hennig's departure from Naughty Dog, a preview of Watch Dogs and a review of South Park: The Stick of Truth. We've rounded up those stories and more for you in this week's edition of the Joystiq Weekly. [Image: Warner Bros.]

  • Shazam: Shaq returns in Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    As was foretold, Shaq is returning to the gaming world with a rebirth of one of the more infamous games in history, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn. The flexible funding project is now live on Indiegogo, and is seeking $450,000 to make the beat-em-up game a reality. The funding page acknowledges the original game's less than stellar history and notes that Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn will be "what the original game should have been." A Legend Reborn still stars the former basketball player, but instead opts for a beat-em-up style game that features "hundreds of moves and battle techniques" with "dozens of cool melee weapons." The game will include a cooperative multiplayer mode in addition to player-versus-player options. The developers behind the PC game at Big Deez Productions are former triple-A developers that worked on series like Halo, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Alan Wake, Battlefield, Killzone and more. The Indiegogo campaign is set to end on April 20. The game will come to additional platforms if it reaches varying stretch goal levels: $650,000 for iOS and Android, $775,000 for Xbox 360 and PS3, $960,000 for Vita and 3DS, $1.08 million for Wii U and $1.62 million for Xbox One and PS4. [Image: Big Deez Productions]