

  • Darkfall under siege as of tomorrow

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Darkfall players, better stock up on Twinkies and Red Bull, because you might well be under siege by tomorrow! Massively recommends a hearty defense of pillow fortifications and cootie barriers to keep the enemy at bay. In preparation for the much-anticipated siege update, Aventurine is deploying a small patch today to counter any sneaky players looking to initiate sieges before the team is ready. On Thursday, September 14th, Darkfall will go offline for an extended period of maintenance, after which the game will be brought back up with the new siege system in place. Patch notes will be available tomorrow as well. The new siege system is designed to replace the issues with the old one while allowing the team to respond and tweak it as needed.

  • Darkfall blog talks crafting update, forthcoming relaunch timeline

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    There may be a little light at the end of the Darkfall 2.0 tunnel if the latest Aventurine blog update is any indication. The entry bills itself as a crafting system update, but it spends the first paragraph or so giving fans an update on the revamped siege system (which is now scheduled to be done in about a week). After that, producer Tasos Flambouras says, "We'll go into more detail about more relaunch features and the production schedule." So anyway, crafting. In a nutshell, the new Darkfall tradeskilling system places greater importance on rare ore, unique item appearance, more customization options, and "more opportunities to excel as a crafter." The new system will offer mastery skills as well as a choice between six distinctive base designs for each weapon type. You can read all about it at the game's official website, linked below.

  • New Darkfall siege mechanics detailed

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aventurine has spilled the beans on Darkfall's new siege mechanics in a lengthy blog entry posted over the weekend. Producer Tasos Flambouras writes that the "new system brings substantial changes to how sieges work, and will not only eliminate issues like self-sieging, but will also make sieges a lot more strategic, profitable and interesting." How so? Well, for starters there's the fact that clan size now affects your ability to initiate a siege, and actions against a rival clan city will require more members than actions against a hamlet (and trial accounts won't count towards your clan size). All attacking clans will also need to pay a wager, the amount of which is affected by several variables. First up is the target city's power level, which is derived from how many buildings are in evidence. Your clan's wager will also change according to how many clans are already sieging by the time you join. These tweaks are the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and there's much more reading material at the official Darkfall Epic Blog.

  • Aventurine talks Darkfall 2.0, character wipes, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last week we told you about an Aventurine blog entry that touted Darkfall's forthcoming update as a "new game." This week, producer Tasos Flambouras sheds a wee bit more light on the Darkfall 2.0 situation, but readers of his latest blog post will likely be left with more questions than answers. To summarize, the new game is not a sequel but rather an iteration on all the lessons learned after two-plus years of operating and updating Darkfall. Aventurine now boasts a much larger dev team than the one that shipped the original game in 2009, and "no aspect of the game has been left untouched" when it comes to the revamp and relaunch. Speaking of relaunches, Flambouras addresses the seemingly odd decision to incorporate Darkfall 2.0's extensive siege mechanic changes into the current game. As it turns out, Aventurine is planning some sort of epic end-of-1.0 event before transitioning to the new game, and sieges will play a part in the action. Finally, those of you who have already purchased Darkfall will not be charged again for the 2.0 client. What about character transfers and/or wipes? That's a bit murkier, and though Flambouras says "it would not be necessary to wipe" in the new version, he also says that the topic is still under discussion. Head to the Darkfall Epic Blog to read this week's activity report.

  • Upcoming Darkfall relaunch is 'a new game'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    How does a fresh start in the world of Agon grab you? The devs at Aventurine have been making noises about relaunching Darkfall for a while now, but in a new dev blog released earlier today, producer Tasos Flambouras gives us a hint at just how significant the changes are going to be. "This relaunch is not an expansion. It's a new game we've been developing in parallel with the current version of Darkfall. The scope is massive, and it has been difficult to stay on schedule after several unexpected issues," Flambouras writes. So, yeah. Whoa. In our best Keanu Reeves voice. The blog features some further discussion about a new siege system and a political map for the current version of Darkfall, but frankly we're still recovering from the previous paragraph and unsure as to how it all fits together. Is this Darkfall II? Is the current version going away when the relaunch hits? Inquiring minds want to know, and we'll bring you the latest on this story as we learn more.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Bribing for Balance

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Nope, this isn't a new game show on a cable network but rather the idea behind the latest program from NCsoft to help increase and balance the populations of the servers in Aion. In a game heralded for its PvPvE, keeping enough enemies around to ensure PvP is more than just a passing fancy -- it's vital to the welfare of the game. And of late, on some servers it almost seems as if Asmodians are just mythical creatures that Elyos tell stories about. Although I won't speculate (here at least) on the decline, Asmodian populations have dwindled across many servers as has their participation in PvP. Besides the universal events that celebrated the release of patch 2.5, Aion has aimed some new (or revamped) events specifically at reversing this population trend. The basic premise is this: If you bribe them, they will come. The plan, unveiled in May, would encourage players to return to their furry-backed roots or even try some claws on for the first time by offering special faction incentives. Couple this with the free trial and the hope was that servers would see an influx of Asmodians and a return to the days of faction warfare glory. Just what exactly are the incentives and -- more importantly -- how well are they working? Glide past the cut for details and to join in a discussion on the matter.

  • GamersFirst revamps Knight Online's capital city

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    GamersFirst is getting a lot of press lately due to its resurrection project on APB: Reloaded, but it bears mentioning that San Paro isn't the only city receiving some love from the free-to-play company. Knight Online's capital city of Moradon "has risen from the ashes to be completely redesigned," according to a new GamersFirst press blurb. Moradon's architecture has been permanently redone, and the questing hub boasts a graphical revamp that reflects the city's rebuilding efforts following the destructive machinations of the god Pathos in Knight Online's chapter eight update. Knight Online is a PvP- and story-centric MMO that allows players to fight for lands and castles in the kingdom of Carnac. Four character classes are available, and you can learn more about the Warrior, Rogue, Priest, and Mage at the game's official web destination.

  • Darkfall dev blog talks new dungeons, siege changes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    A while back we brought you word that Aventurine was looking for feedback on Darkfall's siege mechanics. Though the process is still ongoing, it seems as if the devs have gotten a good sampling from the community thus far according to this week's activity report. Your opinion is still needed, though, so head to the Darkfall Epic Blog and weigh in on the maximum number of clan attackers during sieges. This week's report also details a bit of the PvE-related goings-on, and the world of Agon is getting a new themed dungeon for each continent in the very near future. "All of them are huge and have different areas that you need to traverse. Doing this, however, leaves you with choices as to which way to go and which challenges to face," says the blog entry. There's a bit of PvP info as well, and the requisite teases for the new expansion. Read all about it at the official website.

  • Aventurine looking for feedback on Darkfall siege revamp

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aventurine is in the process of revamping Darkfall's siege system, and the devs are in need of your assistance. A new entry at the Darkfall Epic Blog fills in the details, and perennial coolest dev name contest winner Tasos Flambouras has published a snippet of an internal design document in order to give players a better understanding of why some changes are necessary. Flambouras lays out four key points of particular interest to Darkfall's devs, and interested players are invited to leave feedback via the blog's comment system. Topics up for discussion include minimum numbers of active clan players, win conditions, timer issues, and automatic vulnerability. Head to the official Darkfall blog to make your voice heard.

  • New Darkfall video offers GM perspectives on Agon

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Darkfall's two-year anniversary may have come and gone, but the game continues to inspire awesome video productions celebrating its unique blend of sandbox-style mayhem. The latest such is the pet project of Aventurine developer Tascha, and the clip offers up some unique flyby perspectives on life in the world of Agon. Tascha witnessed many an epic battle and GM event, virtual camera in hand, and the resulting montage is an unofficial love note to Darkfall and its loyal players. The clip runs a tad over four minutes and features everything from heart-pounding cavalry charges to individual PvP scraps to gargantuan player ships and scary PvE mobs. See for yourself after the break.

  • Wings Over Atreia: As the Forts Turn

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Today's episode is brought to you by the letter QQ. The remnants of battle could be seen wafting in the currents of the Abyss -- feathers both dark and light tumbling about. The victors shouted, drunk on the energy of conquest. The defeated limped off the battlefield, returning home to mend their wounds. Meanwhile, safely back in town, eyes glance at the chat box... "OMG!1! We lost our fort! The world is ending, there is nothing for me to live for -- I am canceling my subscription!" Speedylips throws herself to the floor, body convulsing with sobs as she cries out in utter agony at the unfairness, the pure torture of it all, while all around her others are kicking and screaming. "WAAHHHHHH!"* Not to be confused with Warhammer Online's trademark cry of battle "Waaaaaaggghhh," this cry* is the sound of desperation among the Daevas of Aion. Or -- in truer words -- infantile tantrums. Yes, tantrums. What else would you call it when people bemoan the change of fort ownership with vicious verbal attacks on others, excessive blame-placing, and numerous announcements of quitting that scroll by in LFG so quickly your head spins trying to catch the actual snippets of relevant chat? Yet this is the common sight whenever one faction starts losing some Abyss real estate to the enemy. And to be perfectly honest, I don't get it. In a game that is built on the give and take of battle, why do people get so put out when they suffer a setback? This is exactly what Aion needs to thrive. I will admit, I cheer when the opposing faction turns out and succeeds in conquering a fortress. Why? Before you brand me a traitor, cut a swath past the cut and I will explain.

  • Wings Over Atreia: What's in it for me?

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    That does it. No more Ms. Nice Wings. This time I am just going to unleash! Let my rant all hang out. Admittedly, I am not normally one to complain; I can see the good in most every situation, and I can roll with the punches like it's an Olympic event. But even my feathers get ruffled sometimes. It's true! And sometimes you just can't bite your tongue anymore or all you will have is a very sore tongue. Now I know I am not a rant-master like Jef, but even fledgling ranters must begin somewhere. And this week, I found just such a place: immature, self-serving, can't-pull-their-thumbs-outta-their-ears-unless-there-is-something-in-it-for-them-gamers in Aion. You know the type -- those who think the world revolves around them. Those whose spoiled-rotten antics ruin groups and legions alike and who are the reason why many a block list is so full. They without whom drama would die a quick death and be a forgotten plague. They're the bane of chat channels everywhere -- they are the trolls. Throw yourself past the cut for a look at some recent Aion tantrums and sure-fire ways to minimize the effects of blatant immaturity. Careful, though -- I cannot be held responsible for any resemblance to gamers near you.

  • Wings Over Atreia: AP bakery

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Get yer hot, fresh, AP cookies folks, right here! MMmm mm. For those who are not as familiar with Aion or haven't participated in much PvP combat, AP (Abyss Points) are the currency by which special gear and items can be bought. AP can be gathered a number of ways, through both PvP and PvE. This week, Wings Over Atreia takes a stroll through the AP bakery to share with you many of the tasty morsels available. While I had already planned on discussing AP this week, NCsoft's introduction of two new events (For War and Glory and Behind Enemy Lines) brought a new angle to it -- specifically, more enthusiasm and enjoyment! I've got to say that of all the recent events that have been held, these two more fully capture the essence of Aion and encourage participation in core elements of the game; small-scale skirmishes are cropping up all over. This is what the game is about -- clashes of light and dark wings throughout all of Atreia. I haven't had more fun in PvP in a very long time, and I am not even a PvPer! How can you, too, take advantage of these great events and fill up your AP coffers? Grab a plate, join me past the cut to check out the selection, and prepare to gorge on some yummy AP goodness!

  • Terrible twos? A look at Darkfall on its second anniversary

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's hard to believe that two years have passed in the lands of Agon, but passed they have, and Darkfall is celebrating its second anniversary this week. Aventurine's FFA PvP sandbox title has turned out to be one of the more resilient MMORPGs in recent memory, surviving a disastrous launch and a lingering (and undeserved) reputation as a haven for parolees, sociopaths, and griefers. It's also managed to grow its dev team, release three expansions, and carve out a respectable niche for itself in an increasingly competitive massive industry. What's the secret to the game's success? Can Aventurine become the next CCP and ride the coattails of a non-linear MMORPG to indie greatness? Is Darkfall, purportedly the hardest of the hardcore PvP games, really a fantastic PvE sandbox in disguise? Join us after the cut for some thoughts on these topics as well as a peek at the highlights from Darkfall's first two years.

  • NCsoft explains Aion siege timer changes

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Amidst all the G-Star news coming out this week, as well as Aion's own upcoming double XP bonanza, you might have missed a fairly significant gameplay change that NCsoft has slipped onto the live servers. In a very brief news blurb on the official site (which links to an image graphic hosted on Flickr), the Korean MMO developer answers the question that many Daevas have been asking of late, namely, what are the new siege times. As it turns out, they're quite different and will no doubt affect Abyss PvP in numerous ways. For example, prime time fortress sieges used to happen in a three-hour window, which pretty much meant that if you committed to attacking or defending, you missed out on Dredgion groups and basically any other content going on for that particular night. Now, the siege timers are staggered. In addition to the timers being reduced to two hours, there's also an hour block in between, which should give players time to do things other than siege on any given night. Additionally, the previous fortress vulnerabilities were a convoluted mess, with a mixture of upper and lower forts going on at once. Now, the vulnerable forts will be on a single layer, and there will also be five vulnerable forts simultaneously as opposed to three. This should lead to new strategies, as the zerg will no longer be able to bum-rush three locations at once, and there will theoretically be more sustained fighting going throughout the Abyss.

  • Massively Exclusive: Jake Song talks ArcheAge

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last weekend we hinted at an XL Games interview during our coverage of the newest ArcheAge video. Today we're happy to bring you an exclusive chat with lead developer Jake Song. Song is the man behind the original Lineage, and he also worked at NCsoft on Tabula Rasa and a Lineage sequel that eventually became Aion. Several years ago he started his own development house, XL Games, and the studio's first project is a sprawling sandbox called ArcheAge, which is currently undergoing a closed beta test in the Korean market. Join us after the cut as Song talks about the game's unique skill system, castle sieges, multiplayer mounts (and mounted combat), and more.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Daevas of Our Lives -- The siege

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    The battle was sore. The sound of wings beating the hot air of the Abyss filled the ears of all of us, soldier and commander alike. Singed feathers, both black and white, floated about, as fireballs flew between factions, pelting any who could not dodge fast enough. Shadowy forms dove, weaving between the raining arrows, looking for targets. Sounds of steel clashing rang out as spies tried to sneak past enemy lines in search of kisks. The battle was immense, a sea of red crashing against us, trying to claim what was rightfully ours! We knew we must give our all to repel the enemy onslaught. In the heat of battle, immediate decisions had long-reaching consequences; the tide of battle could turn on a single kinah. All voices hushed as the Commander, MrAwesumPants, issued the order that would bring victory, that would bring us closer to eradicating this threat upon true Daeva. One force was dispatched to take the artifact and activate it. "Do it. Do it now. Do it. Do it. Do it now. Do it do it do it do it now do it do it do it now... now... now... now... get it. DO IT NOW... come ON! Are you paying attention? NOW NOW NOW!! DO IT DO IT DO IT! NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW!!! Do it. Don't do it. OMG you *expletive* I can't believe you just did that!" Everyone could hear the spittle dripping from his mic, spraying against his monitor. The hush continued. Have you ever sat in a faction Ventrilo server and heard the siege leader repeat an order like a rapid-fire machine gun for what seemed like five minutes straight, then right as it is being accomplished, immediately rescind the order, demand his followers stop, then totally berate whoever followed the order? No joke -- true story. If you thought drama was just for individuals or legions in Aion, think again! There is a seemingly endless supply of siege drama to keep Daevas entertained -- or disgusted. Settle back and tune in past the cut for the latest episode of Daevas of Our Lives.

  • Aion: Assault on Balaurea zone trailer -- Gelkmaros

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, NCsoft gave us a peek at one of the new zones in Aion's upcoming Assault on Balaurea expansion; today, we tour the Asmodian occupied land -- Gelkmaros. With fissures ripped in the very land itself and areas devastated by ancient battles (including the ancient city of Maravas), the Asmodians will find their stronghold treacherous, but not without surprising new allies. Stranded in Balaurea since before the Cataclysm, the Reian tribe knew nothing of the war between the Asmodians and the Elyos until recently. These Daevas who stand watch over Subterranea, home of the evil Dragonbound, enter into a tentative alliance with their lost brothers and sisters from Asmodae. As hostile as the land and creatures may be, the Asmodians must be ever vigilant to defend both the Vorgaltem Citadel and Crimson Temple against the assaults of the Balaur and Elyos forces, lest they lose the ability to travel with in their enemy's stronghold. Once again, Massively asked Chris Hager, Producer of Aion, NCsoft West, a few questions about this new area. Fly past the cut and through a video tour of Gelkmaros, then check out Chris' answers.

  • Wings Over Atreia: A whole new world, sorta

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Mergers have come and gone in Aion; the fabric of existence was ripped asunder, then rewoven. In North America, five new worlds now sit where once there were fourteen, and eight replace eighteen in Europe. Using the mergers as a springboard for their apocalyptic rants, naysayers cried out that the end of Aion was nigh, fervently waving their assertions and jeering at current players. NCsoft, on the other hand, quietly offered promises of a better world, catering to the desires of players for more conflict. To my knowledge, there were no Daevas flinging themselves from the spires of Pandaemonium or Sanctum, nor did any economy crumble and collapse. Fatalities were nil -- well, not counting any local qooqoo sacrifices made in the name of server harmony and stability. So, here we are now at "doomsday plus five." How did things fare? Let's glide past the cut and take a look at the aftermath.

  • Massively interview: Elysean Council captures Divine Fortress

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Keeping our eyes on the Aionosphere, Massively applauds the accomplishments of fellow gamers. At the end of June, Daevas were introduced to the Elysean Council during an interview with NCsoft; this group from Trineil was heralded as the first to capture the Divine Fortress on any North American server in Aion. In their interview, leaders in the council chimed in to give their fellow Daevas a glimpse of this ground-breaking experience. Interested in diving more in-depth with the Council, Massively had the chance to speak with one of the leaders -- Nightroad -- about the siege, and what's been happening since. Read about it after the cut.