

  • Media Molecule taking a break from LBP to develop 'new ideas'

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Having created two entries in a series that has spawned millions of levels, it seems Guildford-based developer Media Molecule is considering a vacation from LittleBigPlanet for its next project. During a talk at the Gamelab 2011 conference in Barcelona (attended by Edge), studio director Siobhan Reddy said, "We're stepping away from LittleBigPlanet to focus on some new ideas." That doesn't mean the team's leaving the franchise behind entirely. After all, they're still working on the beefy Move update for LittleBigPlanet 2. Frankly, we think that desire to move on is pretty reasonable, considering the game they created nearly counts as an infinite number of games. We've contacted the studio for more information about their Next Next Big Thing.

  • LittleBigPlanet team wants to work with Studio Ghibli

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Perhaps you've heard of Studio Ghibli, the studio behind some of Japan's most revered animations? (My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, etc.) Media Molecule's Siobhan Reddy spoke to Develop about the company's success of collaborating with Japanese developers to produce content in LittleBigPlanet, such as the Metal Gear Solid level pack, and the Final Fantasy VII costumes. "They have been amazing. In fact, when we were in the US late last year we were introduced to Kojima and he told one of the level designers that he loved the design of the Metal Gear Solid pack."So what's next for the LBP team? Well, there's water -- but beyond that, the possibilities are endless. Reddy admitted that she would "definitely" like to work with "Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli." Imagine: a Princess Mononoke level pack, or a Totoro costume for Sackboy! While we're not sure if the LBP team will be able to get the attention of Miyazaki and company, we'd certainly like to see them try.