

  • Reader UI of the Week: Slazareth the Moonkin

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    After an extended absence, we're back with Reader UI of the Week! Did you miss us? If so, take a moment and drop us a mail with your UIs! Since most of the ones we've got in the mailbox are pre-2.3, we're looking for lots and lots of new (or updated) screenshots of amazing UIs to feature. Without your screens and info we can't come back strong. (Besides, you know you wanna join the fun!) This week we're bringing you a Druid UI that (unlike the Druid MovieWatch yesterday) features a lot more than just an action bar full of Moonfire. For those interested in this week's Boomkin UI, check out all the information after the jump from Slazareth!