

  • New SMITE vid reveals the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I keep thinking that SMITE is going to run out of minor gods to turn into MOBA characters. And I keep being wrong since every week or so, Hi-Rez takes a deity I've never heard of and plops him or her down in the middle of its free-to-play fight club. The latest example is Ao Kuang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas that we mentioned last week. This week, though, he's got a video! Click past the cut to see how he fares in the online battleground of the gods.

  • SMITE's newest addition is Janus, the god of portals and transitions

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hi-Rez is busily adding more stuff to SMITE, and this week's update will include the new god Janus, a revamped Mountain Man Odin skin, new ward skins, and a Team Solomid Apollo skin in honor of SMITE's launch tourney victors. Janus is the god of portals and transitions, and you can learn all about him in the clip after the cut. [Thanks Soren!]

  • SMITE now features Bastet, the Goddess of Cats

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hi-Rez has revealed its latest SMITE deity in a new five-minute video focusing on Bastet, the Goddess of Cats. The clip delves into Bastet's Egyptian lore, her passive and active abilities including Pounce, Razer Whip, and De-claw as well as her ultimate Cat Call. The clip also features plenty of in-game scenarios showing off said abilities, so click past the cut if you want a preview of Bastet in action. [Thanks Soren!]

  • Hi-Rez adds Geb, new arena map to SMITE

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hey SMITE fans! Hi-Rez has released a new god called Geb. Geb is the god of earth, who "pummels his opponents as a guardian," according the latest reveal vid. In case you're wondering, Geb's passive ability is called Hard as Rock, which causes opponents' crits to only do a percentage of damage instead of the usual 100 percent. Hi-Rez has also introduced a new arena map and an alternate game mode with this patch. Click past the cut to see Geb's video and hit the links below for the full patch notes.

  • SMITE introduces Zhong Kui, tweaks Guan Yu

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's time for another SMITE update, and you guessed it, Hi-Rez has introduced a new god to its mythology-based MOBA. Zhong Kui, otherwise known as The Demon Queller, is version 0.1.1705's big kahuna. His Demon Bag passive allows him to capture demons and gain protection from each subjugated spirit. Zhong Kui also features a DoT called Expose Evil and a couple of other nifty skills that you can view in the video we've embedded after the cut. SMITE's latest patch also features significant updates for Guan Yu, including a new 3-D model, effects, animations, and art. Full details are available via the patch notes below.

  • Hi-Rez revamps SMITE's conquest visuals

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hi-Rez has updated SMITE to version 0.1.1682, and if those numbers mean nothing to you, consider the official patch notes. They include major visual changes to the game's conquest map. While the layout remains the same, the aesthetics have been "fully revised" to better fit in with the rest of the game's art direction. The new version also features some item and ability tweaks as well as a new spectator mode layout and associated functionality. Full patch notes are available on the SMITE website. You can click past the break for a video clip showing off the conquest changes.

  • SMITE's newest god Tyr lays down the law

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hi-Rez has released a new SMITE god to the masses. The deity of this particular hour is Tyr, also known as The Lawgiver. If that sounds intimidating, wait until you seem him two-hitting enemies, knocking them senseless (and into the air), and generally doing his best to remain impervious to stuns, taunts, fears, and mesmerize effects. There are some Tyr-related patch notes on Hi-Rez's official SMITE website, and the firm has also released a seven-minute video detailing the character's abilities and lore that you can view after the break.

  • Hi-Rez reveals SMITE's Isis, the Goddess of Magic

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ready for the latest SMITE character reveal? Isis is here, and Hi-Rez has published a blog post and a gameplay video heralding her arrival. The Goddess of Magic is a sceptre-wielding mage -- no surprise there -- who relies on her Funeral Rites passive ability and spiffy attacks like Wing Gust and Spirit Ball. Hi-Rez has also tweaked SMITE's level system in the latest patch. God leveling earns you worshippers after every victory, which in turn translate to God Rank for a given avatar. The devs have also changed the old player level to something called Beta level. If you reach Beta level 30 prior to SMITE's official release, you'll get a free Ymir Cocadeamon skin. There's more info on all the changes at the SMITE website, and don't forget the Isis trailer after the cut. [Thanks Don!]