

  • Pedro Saad / Netflix

    Watch trailers for each 'Black Mirror' episode in season five

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    With season five of Black Mirror set to debut on June 5th, Netflix released trailers for each of the season's three episodes. They star Anthony Mackie and Miley Cyrus -- along with Topher Grace, Andrew Scott and Pom Klementieff. The show sticks to its critical stance on humanity's relationship with technology and features a voice-enabled robot pal gone awry and drama intertwined with meditation, fertility and dating apps. As Black Mirror Executive Producer Annabel Jones told Entertainment Weekly, the three episodes are socially relevant and have the show's signature "sense of mischief and romp."

  • Rock Band Weekly: The Grateful Dead to Smithereens

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We know, we know! The last thing that should happen when somebody mentions the Grateful Dead -- undeniably one of the most culturally significant bands of the 20th century -- is that our brain immediately goes to delicious ice cream. Sorry, but word association works in magical ways. Grateful Dead to Jerry Garcia to Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Full details on next week's Rock Band DLC, featuring the Grateful Dead and The Smithereens, can be found after the break.