

  • The Art of War(craft): Must-have PvP talents for hunters in 4.0.1

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you The Art of War(craft), covering battlegrounds and world PvP, and Blood Sport, with the inside line for arena enthusiasts. Want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women? Battlemaster Zach Yonzon, old-world PvP grinder and casual battleground habitué, rambles on about anything and everything PvP. We don't have much time before Cataclysm hits, so let's get down to business. We've talked about some optimal talents for death knights and druids for PvP, so now we turn our attention to hunters. Hunters have always had a tough time in arenas, not necessarily because the class was broken but because the format simply wasn't conducive to the hunter playstyle. It got so bad, in fact, that Blizzard designed an arena -- the Ring of Valor -- specifically to benefit hunters. On the other hand, hunters have always lorded it over in the open expanse of the battlegrounds. The good news is that battlegrounds will be cool again. Well, they've always been cool in my book, but soon they'll be rewarding cool gear, too. That means hunters will once again feel like PvP gods (without needing the help of an enhancement shaman). There's one big change to hunters in Patch 4.0.1 and that's the change in resource from mana to focus. The difference with the way focus behaves is that rather than a resource well that pays for spells and abilities (mana), hunters have abilities that generate focus in combat such as Steady Shot and Cobra Shot, and then a whole load of focus dumps. In a way it's like death knight runic power or warrior rage without the decay. This means you'll always want to have nearly full focus but never gain focus that will simply slough off because you're over your maximum. It's a careful balance of gaining and spending, although focus regenerates at a steady rate.

  • Scattered Shots: The Future Soon: Hunters in patch 3.1 and beyond

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Welcome to Scattered Shots, the weekly Hunter column which is written by a guy who doesn't generally spec for said talent.So. I'm here. I'm not completely wrapped up in Wrath, I promise. In fact, just to show how much I am not wrapped up in the here and now, in the long lines for the queues and prospect of getting a beautiful worm pet and all that good stuff, I'm going to predict the future! Let's look at some of the promises and perils that 3.1 and other future patches will bring for the Hunter.

  • Hunter Glyphs found in Wrath Beta build 8820

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    With the newest Beta build that hit live servers last night, MMO Champion found yet another round of inscription glyphs in the build. In particular, I'd like to talk about the Hunter glyphs. They still seem half-finished, with some values that are most definitely placeholder, and a good portion of them are firmly in the PvP camp. Still, most of them are complete enough that they're worth analyzing, if only to know how to advise Blizzard to change them in future Beta builds. Not to say there aren't some good ones, but there's also some that no sane Hunter will use. Let's check them all out after the break.

  • Scattered Shots: Space

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Scattered Shots + reader eyeballs = hunter infos input to brains.Lots of classes are very much "point-and-click" when it comes to battle -- you just pick your target and start using special abilities. The artistry of playing your class usually has to do more with the particular order you use these abilities in than it does with actual positioning and usage of the space around you (with the exception of raiding boss battles which require people to be standing in the right place at the right time). More than any other class, however, hunters use space itself as a weapon. For us, the usage of space is so much more than just "getting in close" or "keeping a safe distance." Our traps, combined with our totally different abilities depending on how close we are, mean that our strategy completely changes depending on the spacial circumstances we help to create.

  • Scattered Shots: Why certain pet families are so popular

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Scattered Shots is for Hunters. David Bowers is caught in a Freezing Trap this week, so Daniel Whitcomb -- who did not set the trap, he swears to the Light -- is substituting for him. You hear it pretty much all the time if you've ever slightly dipped into the world of Hunters. If you want to play in the big leagues, conventional wisdom says you're pretty much stuck with a select handful of pet types (also known as pet families): Ravagers, Cats, and Raptors for PvE, Scorpids for PvP. But do you know why those pet families are so desired? What it really comes down to is Hunter roles and abilities.

  • You could get snaked

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Despite weeks of reports and player testing of the latest patch, when 2.3 hit, there were many unforeseen changes. For hunters in particular, the post-patch experience has been one of surprise and adjustment. Even aside from the undocumented changes such as the loss of feign death removing the hunter from combat, or our traps being restricted to one target, there have been many bugs that have left the hunter community scratching their heads. Of course, hunters were not dealt a losing hand. In fact, many of the changes have significantly improved the hunter's viability in the arena, and just in time for season three. Unfortunately, the fact that hunter pets are wiping Kara raids left and right seems to be what's fresh in everyone's minds. Yet, in this time of frustration and uncertainty, we can take solace in a quirky little bug that may actually provide more amusement than ghost runs. Snake trap has reportedly been sending snakes after members of the opposing faction, whether flagged or not. Because you cannot set the trap off yourself, and because an unflagged player won't be tripping it either, if you're going to pull this prank, you're going to need some help. Not that I endorse pranks, you know.First, choose a target that you won't be kicking while down, and make sure that your snakes aren't strong enough to actually kill the player (unless you're just mean like that I guess). Then challenge your friend to a duel. All you need to do is lay your trap near the character, and have your friend set it off. The unsuspecting player will be awfully confused when he or she gets bit in the shin.The downside to this bug is the fact that, should you find yourself surrounded by snakes, and you actually hit one, you will become flagged. In this way, this bug is a temporary means to lure a player into combat. What do you think about this bug; is it fun, or is it annoying?