

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: This edition is so stupid

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Guys, I have to warn you straight up... this edition is really stupid. It's just plain stupid. I'm not saying that it's bad, and I'm not saying it's not worth reading -- I'm just saying that it's really surprisingly dumb. You're all fond of City of Heroes, and I am too, but considering how dumb this week's edition is, maybe you should do something else for however long you would normally read one of my columns. I guess there are some pretty good things on YouTube these days. Oh, wait, sorry, it looks like I was reading my notes wrong. It's not that this edition is stupid, it's that the community threads we're spotlighting today are all about things that are stupid. Because there are things here and there within City of Heroes that are just a little dumb, when you get right down to it. Also, it gave me a thematic hook for this column, so that's good too. Click on past the cut for this week's highlights!

  • Soloing Lord of the Rings Online from 1 to 20

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Not everyone is a social gamer, even in an MMO. There are many players who would just rather play by themselves, while still occasionally joining a pick-up group or their kinship for the more difficult quests. There's nothing wrong with that, as Turbine acknowledges in a new series of guides for Lord of the Rings Online aimed at the solo player. In this first guide, the focus is soloing through levels 1 through 20. There are helpful tips and tricks on everything from picking the right quests for you to knowing when to run. It's a wonderful seven-page article just filled with so much helpful information, that even the veteran players may find it useful for any new alts.

  • Fellowships versus soloing in LotRO epic storylines

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Many of you will have completed Lord of the Rings Online's latest epic storyline from Book 11 by now, and you may have found that you could accomplish this task all on your lonesome. This topic was raised on LotRO's official forums, and whilst the initial poster was against the idea of a solo-able epic quest, the overwhelming response of the thread was that of people who had finished soloing it and loved it, or those that didn't realize it could be done alone and were keen to log in and get started.To date, most of the Books have been composed of a mix of solo and fellowship portions, and this was reinforced for future books later in the thread by a member of Turbine's LotRO team, MadeOfLions (fantastic name by the way), who said, "we're letting the needs of the story dictate the group sizes, rather than the other way around", and also that Book 12 should be a return to a more fellowship-oriented quest line.It's nice to have a mix between the two formats, solo and grouped, because let's face it -- a fellowship isn't always available -- and with Book 11 giving my class of choice, the Minstrel, a little more solo-power, I enjoy having only one life bar to watch over for a change.