

  • RIFT's Autumn Harvest begins October 17th

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    October is a special time in the world of MMORPGs when ghosts, goblins, and headless horsemen take over our favorite haunts and pumpkins litter the lands. RIFT is no different, and this year's Autumn Harvest brings new items, new rewards, and new Halloween-themed monsters to slay -- and, of course, new items to buy. Look for Halloween masks, grab bags, and supply crates in the RIFT store and collect spectral reward tokens by completing Autumn Harvest events. Spectral reward tokens can be spent to purchase rare loot and spectral mounts. It would also be wise to keep an eye out for Atrophinius, RIFT's harvest master, as he has a number of special tasks related to the harvest including the slaying of vampires and werewolves and the reclaiming of loot back from nefarious thieves. Autumn Harvest goes live on October 17th.