

  • Speed kills go live on WoW Progress

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    WoW Progress recently added a new feature that makes really interesting reading. While their Speed Kill rankings are still in their infancy, and a little buggy in places, they reveal some really interesting stuff about how top guilds play the game. First up, though, before you check out the new feature, I should mention their little disclaimers: - Boss Kill Time counting starts from kill of the previous boss and includes trash clearing - Due to buggy Paragons of the Klaxxi Battle.net data, some of Garrosh Hellscream kills and Paragons of the Klaxxi kills might be missed Those Klaxxi. Always so darn buggy. Towards the end of the ladder, then, the data should be considered unreliable. There are certain guilds I know have killed Garrosh on Heroic who don't even feature. Method, for example, who got the world first. But nonetheless, even if we discount Garrosh for now, these are really interesting to look at. Taking Method, certainly among the world's best guilds and the holder of more world firsts in Mists than any other, as our example again, let's have a look. They rank 32nd on Fallen Protectors. Sha of Pride? 142nd. What's going on? Well, Method run with more healers so they don't wipe. Look at the Method vs. Midwinter race at Blizzcon, Method won pretty much exclusively because Midwinter wiped three times on Dark Shaman. Slow and steady won that race, and apparently the World First one, too.