

  • Flatbed scanner becomes multitouch panel in five-fingered DIY documentary (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Few things do a better job at decimating desktop real estate than a bulky old flatbed scanner. Skinnier replacements are cheap these days, but what's one to do with the old ones? An enterprising hacker who goes by the handle Sprite_tm, the same bloke who brought us a knock-operated door, has managed to create a multitouch panel out of his. He extracted the single-line CCD and mounted that below the display. He then attached five LEDs above it to shine light down. When his finger touches the screen it casts a shadow on the CCD and, with a little (probably a lot) of custom software he's able to triangulate the position of the touch. The system even works with multiple fingers, though we're guessing should they overlap vertically the system might get a little finicky. Check out a demo below and then click on through the source link for one heck of a detailed how-to.

  • Knock-operated door unlocker keeps you on the DL

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Ripping a page straight from James Bond, enterprising hacker sprite_tm built this knock-activated door unlocker to help out a friend who wanted to keep his access to a room in his apartment building a secret. The system listens for a particular pattern of knocks speakeasy style and triggers a decidedly low-tech unlock mechanism when you enter the right knock-code -- it winds a rubber band around the lock handle. We're not certain if we buy the backstory here (what happens when the landlord sees a giant motor gaffer-taped to the inside of the door?) but the idea is pretty sweet, and we're even thinking of a mod to make the door scream "TWO BIIIIIIIITS" when we knock "Shave and a Haircut".[Via Hack A Day]