

  • Solid Alliance's USB Firefly Squid

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Oh hell yeah Solid A, do that USB thing that you do! From the makers of USB Sushi, Saki, Spaghetti, and other foodish novelties which amuse adults and make children cry, we bring you Solid Alliance's glowing USB Squid. Mmmm, tasty. Sure, ¥5,980 (about $51) for 512MB of flash is nuts, but then again, you're not buying this for capacity alone are you Captain?[Via Impress]

  • Welcome back, Winter Squid! (We missed you.)

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In Azeroth, summer is over and winter has begun! How do I know, you ask? Because there are reports of players fishing up Winter Squid. So get out your fishing poles, folks -- because Winter Squid has returned, ousting the much less interesting Summer Bass. So what makes Winter Squid so great? Cooked, it turns into Grilled Squid, which gives one a +10 agility buff -- a much-loved buff for any melee class. And, hey, even if you aren't interested in the buff yourself, stockpile fish now and sell them in 6 months when they become rare again. So for more on how to get some of this delicacy for yourself, read on.