

  • The Perfect Ten: MMO mascots

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Everyone knows that a good mascot can make a difference between a video game's death and rabid popularity. Mario, Master Chief, Duke Nuke 'Em, Pac-Man, Samus Aran, Pyramid Head -- each one of these mascots isn't merely an aspect of the game, they are the virtual spokesperson (or spokesthing) which represents the game itself. Yet when you think about it, MMOs have had a tougher time producing mascots than other video game genres, partially because unlike other games, you don't play as the mascots, and partially because when you have a cast of thousands of NPCs, picking out one to elevate above the rest is a difficult job. Difficult, that is, but not impossible. Today we're going to look at ten MMO mascots (MMOscots?) that studios have tried to promote as the face of these games, to varying degrees of success.

  • Warhammer cake bites into Food Network

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A post about a game-related cake can only mean one thing, right? It's a slow news day. Normally, we would agree, but this one is special for a couple of reasons. First of all, Joystiq was actually contacted by a PR company about this cake, so we're guessing it must be a slow PR day, too. Second, this particular cake pretty much leaves all others in the dust. Modeled after a squig and created for Warhammer Online's Baltimore Games Day booth, the cake is to be featured on Food Network's Ace of Cakes this Thursday, August 27. According to chef Duff Goldman, it's the best cake ever made on the show. Goldman also contributed to the world of strange size comparisons, noting that the cake is "about the size of large sheepdog." Frankly, the cake looks like it could eat a large sheepdog.Only one question: How do you cut it?

  • WAR's White Lion's pets designed to be meaningful

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The guys n' gals over at Ten Ton Hammer were able to speak with Mark Jacobs about the newest Warhammer Online class, the White Lion. Pets that gain levels are pretty standard in the MMORPG world, in fact it's almost a given anymore. However, in an interesting twist, players will keep and level just one pet throughout their time with the White Lion class. EA Mythic is promising a dynamic experience that makes each player's lion meaningful, but hasn't yet gone into the mechanic bits of everything just yet.While this may not be groundbreaking news, it's very interesting to note Jacobs enthusiasm for giving players a pet with which they'll develop an attachment. Just knowing that there won't be any re-teaching of skills and abilities is definitely a big relief to us, too. Now we just have to wonder how many players are going to roll this class -- a worry that many Destruction players are likely sharing.Then again, Squig Herders still have that whole thing where they jump into their pets and use them like a suit of squishy, toothy, crazed armor. Not to mention the fact that some of the higher level Squigs looks exceedingly awesome. Seems to us like Warhammer Online's supposed imbalance fears may be over before they've even begun, thanks in part to EA Mythic's keen sense of what we're now referring to as "Class Coolness".

  • Warhammer Online preview covers all the basics

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Up until now, you might have had a shaky understanding of all the basics in EA Mythic's upcoming Warhammer Online. If that's the case, then there's a recent article where you can read up on what we like to call the, "WAR Essentials" as it's pretty much covering the basics. Unfortunately, if you've been following news on WAR then there isn't anything here that you didn't already know. It's nice as a refresher on all of EA Mythic's basic talking points, though. In fact the article itself sort of reads like that: a prolonged "back-of-the-box" set of bullet points. It just seems a little dry for a preview about a videogame like Warhammer Online, where there are some crazy things to talk about like squigs or little (and big) green monsters from space.It wouldn't have hurt to try and spice things up a little, is all we're saying.

  • Warhammer Online's January video of the month contains RvR greatness

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The new Warhammer Online video of the month for January is out (introduced by the lovable Paul Barnett) and it's chocked-full of great RvR footage. Not only do we get to see all the races battling it out in the video, but if you watch closely you'll see your first glimpses of the Chaos Marauder class (limb mutations, woo!). You'll also be treated to giant axe-wielding Dwarves and plenty of spellcasting. That's not to mention that there is one very big squig in the video, too. We also really have got to give it up for the High Elf Swordmasters -- they just look cool looking with their big swords swinging around. Warhammer Online looks like it should deliver some really fun PvP and RvR battles in all sorts of different locales. When some of the battles in the video looked like they were taking place in capital cities, a certain anxious-yet-excited feeling definitely overcame us. Now, hopefully -- and according to EA Mythic -- the PvE game will be just as strong as the RvR/PvP side.