

  • Star Wars Retrospective: Episode VII visits the Empire's shadows, the old republic

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GameTrailers starts with the galaxy far, far away's near past, and then goes deep into the history books in its latest Star Wars Retrospective episode. This time around the excellent series starts by taking a look at Shadows of the Empire, an action game which fills in a piece of the story between the movies Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The rest of the episode delves deep into the past and covers the Knights of the Old Republic RPG games, which take place millennia before Luke and Leia were even a dirty thought in Darth Vader's mind. And if anybody complains that we should have put a spoiler alert there, we hope the cave you've been living in for the last 25 years has central heat and air. Check out the 24-minute retrospective episode after the break.[Thanks Andy]

  • Star Wars Retrospective: Episode VI siths through the FPS titles

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GameTrailers continues its Star Wars Retrospective by covering the first person shooter games in the galaxy far, far away's oeuvre. This means that there's going to be a lot of Kyle Katarn in this episode, one of the best-known characters outside of the movie sextilogy -- especially to gamers. So get comfortable for this 20-minute episode, or don't, nobody's forcing you to sit down and watch it. *waves hand* Sit down and watch it. This is the retrospective you're looking for.

  • Star Wars Retrospective: Episode V marches off to war

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    It's been nearly two months since the last installment in GameTrailers' look back at the catalog of games based off of George Lucas' magnum opus. The series returns today with the crackle of blaster fire, the hum of a recently activated AT-AT, the whistle of an armed thermal detonator -- you see, all the games featured in this episode focus on those titles that let you relive the film's major battles. From RTS classics like Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War, to the best-selling Star Wars game of all time, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, we can't help but get misty-eyed recalling some of our great galactic campaigns. We just... we lost so many good men on Kashyyyk...

  • The Star Wars Retrospective: Episode IV

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    After briefly glancing over games like Maniac Mansion and the formation of LucasArts, this week's Star Wars Retrospective by GameTrailers covers what are (arguably) some of the best Star Wars games ever made. The space flight-sims X-Wing and Tie Fighter -- two games which used the Star Wars universe for all it was worth -- probably still hold a special place in gamer's hearts who had something better than a 386 computer at the time. It also opens up the question: Which series was better at the time, the X-Wing games or Wing Commander?

  • The Star Wars Retrospective: Episode III

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GameTrailers continues its excellent Star Wars gaming retrospective by chronicling the titles based on the abominations prequel films. It's worth noting that as the second trilogy went on, fewer and fewer licensed games were based on the films (9 for Episode I, 7 for Episode II and 2 for the finale). At least Lego Star Wars ended up becoming one shining beacon out of the prequel games, which unintentionally gave us the cathartic ability to kill Jar Jar Binks over and over and over again.