

  • Threshold spiritual successor Stash seeks to 're-imagine the genre'

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The team behind the classic MUD Threshold is back with Stash, a new MMO in the making that claims to "re-imagine the genre" with a growable base of operations, turn-based combat, and wide character customization. The inspiration for Stash comes from tabletop D&D, miniature gaming, D&D computer RPGs and Planescape: Torment. "We put a large emphasis on rewarding player skill in addition to character skill," the devs posted. "Your character's abilities and gear are very important, but the tactics and strategy of the actual players is equally important." Developer Frog Dice claims that this is a full-fledged MMO, although it remains to be seen how much of Stash is actually massively multiplayer (the site mentions clans, co-op play, and PvP). The team is looking to raise $50,000 on Kickstarter to fund development on the title. You can check out Stash's early development trailer after the break! [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Star Trek Online celebrates the 25th anniversary of The Next Generation


    The first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation launched 25 years ago. In honor of the anniversary of the blessed event, Star Trek Online players have the opportunity to unlock some nostalgic swag for free. From now until "around" 1:00 p.m. EDT on Tuesday the 24th, players can take a mini-mission that will send them off to speak with good ol' Worf. Completing that mission will unlock the free swag: Federation characters will receive a TNG Season 1 uniform, male Klingon and Federation characters with hair options will receive Worf's Season 1 short hair and goatee (sorry, no bearded ladies), and Klingon and Federation characters of both species will get access to Worf's Season 1 sash. This is a per-character unlock, so be sure to talk to Worf with every character that you'd like to boldly go with a little more panache.

  • Still clicking: Our exclusive interview with the Mythos dev team

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Considering Mythos' stormy post-Flagship past and its relatively low profile over the past half year, we were pleased to see the team at Redbana unveil a website revamp last month, complete with a slew of vibrant new screenshots to tease the upcoming closed beta. The infrastructure revealed in the images suggests that the game has come a long way since we last checked in with the team; although many players might once have pigeon-holed Mythos as "just another Diablo clone," it's now maturing into a hybrid MMORPG that seems to have as much in common with Blizzard's other fantasy game as with the click-fests of yesteryear. Curious, we commandeered the team at Redbana in order to ask about the progress of the game. Meet up with us after the break as we discuss the transition to Redbana, overcoming the Diablo stigma, camera perspectives, map travel, character customization, and the likelihood that Mythos will be free-to-play. Oh, and did I mention you can play satyrs and cyclopes?!