

  • Revival is a story-driven sandbox in the making

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    Lovecraft-inspired Revival's recent reveal caught our attention with its promises to "revive the MMORPG" by way of a gorgeous sandbox. Developer IllFonic went on record stating, "It's a genre that has a bad name. There are hardcore fans in the genre, but there's no reason why the whole world shouldn't be playing this genre. The genre has been locked out with a bad taste for a decade. It's time to rethink it, go back to the drawing board, start from scratch and tell everyone that an MMO isn't a stat-chasing, quest-ignoring snorefest." Music to sandbox fans' ears! Naturally, we were keen to hear more, so we spoke with IllFonic Creative Director Kedhrin Gonzalez and surprisingly received very few "we can't talk about that yet" responses. Just remember as you make your way through our interview: A lot can change between the prototype and final release version, so don't unbridle your skepticism just yet.

  • Some Assembly Required: Citadel of Sorcery interview reveals a dynamic world

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    When word filtered to us that a new virtual world was in the works with unique features, I said what any other sandbox-loving player would: Yeah ri... er, I mean, "Show me what you've got." And that's exactly what the folks making Citadel of Sorcery did! And they didn't just tease me with a couple of phrases and leave me dangling; they offered a deluge of information about the upcoming game. In fact, they sent me enough to complete five different articles. That's more Some Assembly Requireds than you can shake a stick at. Not only did I get to learn many facts about Citadel of Sorcery, but in sitting down and talking with Philip Blood, Director of Game Design at MMO Magic, Inc., I also got to experience first-hand the passion that the developers have for their game. Philip graciously answered a barrage of questions (perhaps part of the reason the interview grew so long!) and helped paint CoS as a game that might satisfy the longing of players who yearn for a vibrant, living world where their choices make a difference. Unlike traditional games, CoS promises a vast world where each player will experience the game in very different ways. In all, the game sounds innovative and exciting. But don't just take my word on it; check out the details for yourself in this in-depth interview.

  • Choose My Adventure: The final curtain falls on our TSW run

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Out, out, brief CMA! MJ's but a viewer puppet, a poor player that struts and frets her hour upon the stage and then is heard no more... at least until next time! To soon, too soon the show is over! But what a run it has been; our stage production of The Secret World has been a success. Between wandering the streets of New York, checking out the story of the Illuminati, and diving into everything from dungeons to investigating puzzles, this Choose My Adventure has been a fun experience. I stretched myself, doing things I wouldn't normally do. And that's all from your direction, so I thank you. But the curtain hasn't fallen yet; the final act has yet to play out; your final instructions have yet to be carried out. How did the battle fare in El Dorado? Stay in your seats for this grande finale. And on with the show!