

  • SurfCube browser wins Microsoft Innovation Award, latest version packs YouTube punch (video)

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    If you're feeling too boxed in with Internet Explorer on your Windows Phone, consider checking out SurfCube, which brings your browsing experience outside the box -- literally. Since we last visited the app, an ad-supported version was introduced alongside the $1.99 paid version, allowing users to spin the browser without any commitment. This useful (and entertaining) functionality was enough to help the developer score a Microsoft Innovation Award for smartphone applications -- a feat it has accomplished twice before. Fresh off its win, SurfCube 3.0 debuted with numerous bug fixes, performance improvements, and -- perhaps most importantly -- YouTube support. It also claims to have the best tab support of any WP7 browser, a point you can judge for yourself in the video just past the break.

  • SurfCube gives Windows Phone 7 the 3D browser it needed so desperately

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    If there's one thing the 90s taught us, it's that these silly 2D interfaces are only a passing fancy, and soon everything will be VRML-based mirror worlds of our physical space. SurfCube is a small, tentative step in that direction, turning the browser into a fake 3D experience of sorts, with favorites on "top," and history and settings on the "sides," while the front face of the cube is, naturally, the browser part. You can get around with swipes and flashy tilt gestures, and for $1.99 on the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace it's hard to go wrong. Just remember our VRML warning, and start investing in MicroVideoGoggles Inc. stock with your carphone once you get home from the record store.