

  • Breakfast Topic: Your favorite inn

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Today's topic is another inspired by the fine people of /r/wow. Redditor Shaurar posted their favorite inn, located on the barge of Thousand Needles. I can see why! No other inn looks quite like it ... and you can start a bar brawl with a Bottle of Grog. I've never put much thought into my favorite until seeing this post, but I do have a favorite inn -- one I no longer use due to the sheer inconvenience of it. Dalaran's Legerdemain Lounge holds a special place in my heart. It fit the Dalaran aesthetic wonderfully. The Lounge and its immediate surrounding areas held all sorts of fun little touches, too. Jones the cat would react to being pet and Sheddle Glossgleam, just a couple of doors over, would give you a shoe shine if you sat in the chair beside him. Since the end of Wrath of the Lich King, my hearth has been set in the Dwarven District of Stormwind. I'm no fan of the shrines in Pandaria, and with the Pandaria portal directly behind the Dwarven District, getting where I need to go is no big deal. It's purely convenience, though. The place has no real flavor. The Shrines are chock full of flavor, but not my kind of flavor. Such is personal preference. What's your favorite in? Do you have one? Do you still use it, or is it a distant memory? Are you a poor soul that loved Stormwind's Park before Deathwing ate it?

  • The Daily Grind: Which game has the best taverns?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    I love me a good tavern in an MMO. Taverns are so iconic to fantasy games and literature, being a place where adventures begin, fellowship is begun, and a respite is enjoyed. In MMOs, they're usually wonderfully detailed buildings that are perfect for roleplay, a quick stop to sell some loot, or even the odd quest or two. Pretty much every fantasy MMO has them (and some of the non-fantasy ones as well). I think they make the world feel more lived in; a tavern is pretty much a home-away-from-home for the world-traveled adventurer, after all. Lord of the Rings Online has some of my favorite watering holes in plenty of varieties, especially the newer ones in Rohan. If you're partial to taverns too, which game do you think has the best ones? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Breakfast Topic: Different states of rest

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    While I was reading Adam's piece on the patches of yesteryear, I discovered something I didn't know. You need to understand that I missed the beta phase and didn't even know WoW existed, so I never really looked into how the game has changed for the better. So, I was fascinated to learn that during the beta it wasn't just normal or rested XP but fatigued and exhausted as well. While no longer in the game, I think it's a really interesting idea. Indeed it's something which would make WoW a lot more interesting and also make sure people didn't play for 12 hours straight. Perhaps when you first log on, you'd be rested and fresh from your nap in an inn. After a couple of scuffles you'd be normal (as in the game now) but as you did battle with critters and mobs this would change. Perhaps if you did too many battles you'd become fatigued as your armor degraded and then, if you died too much, exhausted and forced to nip to town for a stiff drink and repairs.While normal and rested XP have always been the boon and bane of the leveling toon, do you think a system like this would work? Would it make WoW a little more challenging, even for folks at the level cap (sans experience gain of course)? Did you play WoW when Patch 0.6 was released, what did you think of the differing levels of XP? Do you think something like this should be returned to the game?

  • The Digital Continuum: The calm before the WAR storm

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Do you know where your developers are tonight? Chances are the guys and gals over at Mythic Entertainment are busy scrambling to triple-check everything for the second time today. Meanwhile, the rest of us are awaiting one of three "launch" days with bated breath. Many of you are probably waiting for Tuesday, when the general pre-orders get to join the head start. However for a lot of players day one is coming tomorrow. So on the eve of "Hurricane WAR" approaching, I felt like going over some random bits about the game before it's no longer a beta and instead a newly launched MMORPG.

  • A look at Warhammer Online's Guild Taverns

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If you've got a guild in Warhammer Online that's level six or higher, then you can gain access to Taverns. These places of social gathering are located at each faction's capital city, permitted that city is at least rank two. The forces of Order gather at Sigmar's Hammer, while Destruction gather at The Viper Pit in The Inevitable City. Entry at guild rank six is gained by speaking to the Guild Merchant just outside of either Tavern. You could also try to punch the merchant in the face, but that's not likely to work out well, even for an Orc.Mythic plans to offer various NPC vendors and services within the Tavern based on your Guild rank. Examples given include a flight master, crafting merchant, renown merchant, siege merchant and a Guild Standard merchant. One especially interesting service is offered at Guild rank 16 and opens up a "Guild Leader Hall" that only guild leaders and officers may enter. This hall offers a rest bonus, giving all those inside rested experience. It doesn't really seem like the rested state is any better than a normal rested state, so don't flip out like a Witch Elf or anything just yet. Check the gallery for some images of the two Taverns and for more detailed information on the various merchants and services, head below the break.%Gallery-21881%